Mirobiology Flashcards
Hansen’s Disease
Caused by Mycobacterium leprae and has two forms
Tuberculoid - Formation of skin plaques
Treated w/ Dapsone/Rifampin
Lepromatous- Highly contagious and primarily affects the limbs
Treated w/ Dapsone/Rifampin/Clofazime
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Shootout at TB Corral)
GPR, non-spore forming, acid fast, obligate aerobe
Can be visualized w/ Auramine stain
Nitrate (+)
- Acquired thru inhalation of respiratory droplets; will proliferate in alveolar macrophages
- Treated w/
Stages of M. tuberculosis infxn
Primary- affects the lungs and forms calcifications that can be seen on an x-ray
Miliary- Causes multi-organ failure; usually happens in CF pts.
Latent- Occurs in immunocompromised pts due to decreased TNF-a release
*Hemoptysis and Night sweats=classic sign
Cachexia will occur
Treatment: Rifampin/Isonaizid/Ethambutol
Streptococcus pneumoniae (Knight “Numero Uno”)
GP diplococci, encapsulated, a-hemolytic
Bile solubility (+)
Catalase (-)
*Optochin (S)
Quellung Rxn: (+)
VFs: Pneumolysin- destroys ciliated epithelial cells
IgA proteases
*#1 cause of: Meningitis
Otitis Media
Pneumonia (community-acquired)
Treatment- Penicillin G
-Vaccine available for immunocompromised
Streptococcus agalactiae
GPC, B-hemolytic, sialic acid on capsule
Bacitracin (R)
CAMP test (+)-will see satellite growth of S. aureus
Common cause of neonatal meningitis (NF of vaginal tract)
Early onset=»High mortality rate, common in premature infants
Late onset=» You’ll be alright, probably
Treatment: (Penicillin/Erythromycin,)
Streptococcus pyogenes (Pie Baker)
GPC, B-hemolytic, encapsulated
Contains M-protein that prevents phagocytosis and F-protein which mediates adherence to mucoepithelium by binding fibronectin
Streptolysin O => (+) ASO test
Bacitracin (S)
Common cause of: Scarlet-Fever, Erysipela, Pharyngitis, Necrotizing fascitis
Sequelae of pharyngitis: RHD (cross-reactivity w/ myosin in heart)
Treatment: Penicillin
Staphylococcus Aureus (Moses)
GPC, Coag (+) (activates fibrinogen), yellow-appearance on blood agar
Enterotoxins =»food-poisoning w/ rapid developing vomiting
TSST-1 =» Toxic-Shock Syndrome; assoc. w/ tampon use
Panton-Valentine Leukocidin: Causes lysis of macrophages and PMNs
Protein A-Component of cell wall that binds Ig
Mannitol Salt agar- grows yellow
*Common cause of acute bacterial endocarditis in IV drug users
Septic arthritis
*Can also cause scalded-skin syndrome w/ (+) Nikolsky’s sign
Treatment: Topical-cephalosporin or penicillinase-resistant penicillin; Blood- Vancomycin
Klebsiella pneumoniae
GNR, non-motile, common UTI cause
*Also a common cause of nosocomial pneumonia
Shigella (She-gorilla)
GNR, facultative anaerobe, acid-stabile
*most infectious intestinal pathogen
Lactose (-)
H2S (-)
Performs Type III secretion => release of inflammatory cytokines
*Shiga toxin causes HUS and `cleaves the 28sRNA of ribosome
Test: methylene blue stain of feces; look for PMNs
Treatment: Fluid and electrolyte replacement
-If sever enough, Ciprofloxacin
Reiter’s Disease
Caused by Shigella sp.
Will see arthritis, conjunctivitis, and urethritis
*Most pts are male and HLA-B27 positive
Salmonella sp. (Salmon dinner)
GNR, motile, encapsulated, and acid-labile
H2S (+)
Hektoen Agar => Grows black
Performs Type III secretion
Typhoid Fever
Caused by Salmonella typhi
Will see rose-colored spots appear on pt.
Invades lymphatics and is carried into the blood =» Facultative intracellular organism
Treatment: FQN
-Live attenuated vaccine available
Escherichia coli (E. cola’s Soda Fountain)
GNR, B-hemolytic
Lactose (+)
Indole spot test (+)
Nitrate (+)
Catalase (+)
*Contains p-fimbriae which binds to P-antigen on RBCs (Pyelonephritis pili)
Cause of Hemolytic uremic syndrome
-Production of Shiga-like toxin that inhibits 60s ribosome
=»Bloody diarrhea, cramps
Cause of WATERY diarrhea and is transmitted via infected h2o sources
Has a heat labile (inhibits cAMP) and heat stabile (inhibits cGMP) toxin
Bordetella pertussis (Board and Care)
GN cocco-bacillus
*Binds to mucocilliary escalator via hemaglutinnin
Oxidase (+)
DFA test => Sensitive but not selective
*Toxins: Pertussis- inhibits Gi via ribosylation
Invasive AC- increases cAMP opening ion channels and expelling intracellular materials
Treatment: Erythromycin
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudo Mona)
GNR, obligate aerobe, encapsulated
Green pigment=pyoverdin; Blue pigment=pyocyanin
Oxidase (+)
VFs: Exotoxin A => inhibits protein synthesis
Exoenzyme S- required for dissemination in burn patients
Alginate- Promotes adherence to respiratory epithelium
Elastase- Breaks down ECM proteins; under influence of quorum sensing process
Common causes folliculitis from contact w/ unclean water (hot tubs)
Common cause of Swimmer’s Ear, septicemia in burn pts, and ecthyma gangrenosum
Treatment: Piperacillin, Fluoroquinolones, AGCs
Mycobacterium Leprae (Good, Bad, and Lion-Faced)
GPR, non-spore forming, acid fast
- diagnosed by AFB stain
- person-to-person transmission
Reservoir = Armadillo
Staph MRSA
mecA gene responsible for resistance is located on the
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Transmitted thru infected catheter; commonly infects previously damaged or artificial heart valves
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Novobiocin (R)
Anti-DNase B
Important marker in S. pyogenes infxns; depolymerizes cell free DNA in pus
Strep. viridans (Knight “Numero Uno”)
1 cause of acute bacterial endocarditis
GPC, a-hemolytic
Optochin: (R)
Central role in dental caries
Enterococcus (VRE)
GPC, can hydrolyze esculin
Bacitracin: (R)
Bile solubility: (-)
VFs: Aggregation substance
Carbohydrate adhesins
Antibiotic resistance (AGCs, Beta-lactams, and Vancomycin)
Proteus mirabilis
Can cause UTI and large amounts of urease in the bacteria will cause the ppt. of calcium
=»Kidney stones
Pseudomonas infxn in CF lung
Type III hypersensitivity
=»Immune complexes stimulate macrophages excessively and cause tissue damage
Caveats of PPD test
- Cross reactivity w/ other Mycobacterium species
- IC pts. may not react
- (+) test if received BCG vaccine
Most common Mycobacterium infxn in AIDS pts
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
-Readily diagnosed in blood
Mycobacterium kansasii
Forms yellow colonies; somewhat common in AIDS pts.
Found in the South
Neisseria meningitidis
GN-diplococci; non-motile, aerobic; grows best on chocolate agar
VFs: Porins A and B (B facilitates epithelial invasion and inhibits leukocyte fnxn)
Transferrin-Binding Protein
*Complement deficiences => Increased risk of infxn
Labs: Culture= Gold Standard
Growth on MTM agar
CTA: Can utilize glucose and maltose
Treatment: Ceftriaxone; prophylaxis of contacts also necessary
Severe circulatory collapse w/ DIC, purpuric rash, ischemia of the extremities, and fever
=>Can also lead to Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Organism w/ cel membrane lacking muramic acid; visualized w/ Giemsa Stain
Serotypes A-C => Trachoma (most common cause of blindness worldwide)
Serotypes D-K => STD; can be asymptomatic in women but lead to PID and neonatal conjunctivitis if transmitted to a baby during childbirth
Serotypes L1-L3 => LGV; starts off as painless ulcer, progresses to tender lymphadenopathy
Treatment: Doxycycline
-Erythromycin in neonatal pneumonia/conjunctivitis
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
*Has no cell wall but membrane contains sterols (like a persons)
VF: P1 binds glycoprotein on cilia
=»Destruction of ciliated epithelial cells
*ACTS AS A SUPER-ANTIGEN; stimulates excess TNF-a, IL-1, and IL-6 release
Increased incidence in young people in close contact
-Military recruits
- Can also cause erythema multiforme and Steven-Johnson syndrome
- X-rays show severe, patchy infiltrate, however, patient only has walking pneumonia
Treatments: Macrolides