Miracles Flashcards
Name a few miracles Jesus performed
He healed the sick
He turned water into wine
He brought Jarius’ daughter back to life
He fed 5000 people from a few loaves and fishes
Explain the 4 different types of miracles
The miracles of healing : Jesus healed the sick, the bling, the lepers : Luke 5:18-26, Mark 10:46-52
The miracles of nature : Jesus changed something in nature : Luke 5:4-9, John 2:1-12
The miracles of exorcism : Jesus removed evil spirits from people
The miracles of bringing back to life : Jesus brought people back to life
To rebuke
To tell or show someone that you strongly disagree with what they are doing
A sacred Jewish festival
Not making a distinction
Noting no difference
A relative of a particular person
Table fellowship
Jesus chose to share his meals with all to show that gods kingdom was for everyone
Following the call of Jesus in thought, word and deed. After the Pentecost the disciples became known as the apostles
Who were Jesus’s first apostles
His first apostles were Simon Andrew James and John
To designate
To choose or name a particular thing
What is Passover
Passover is a sacred Jewish festival. They celebrate their escape from Egypt under Moses.
What do the mansion house do
At Christmas time, the mansion house in Dublin, the Lord or lady mayor opens to house to people who don’t have anyone to go share a meal with. This meal is important on a day where Jesus was born and later dies for us so we could be saved
Who did Jesus share meals with
Jesus shared his meals with outcasts, such as tax collectors and sinners. To Jesus table fellowship made no distinction between rich and poor, Saint and sinner.
What does beatitude mean
Happy or blessed
What’s the message for the beatitudes
For everyone’s to love God and their neighbour as they love themselves