Miracles Flashcards
What are the healing miracles?
Paralysed man, Lazarus raised to life, cure of the blind man
What are the nature miracles?
Calming of storm, feeding the 5000, walking in water
What is a parable?
A simple story told by Jesus that illustrates a koral lesson in the gospel
2 reasons why parables are effective of getting a message across?
They have a didactic message
They easyto understand as they are simple
What is message in the prodigal son?
If we are truly sorry God will forgive us
What is the message in the good samaritan?
The message behind the parable is to love thy neighnour no matter who they are even if they are your enemy.
What was lazarus susters called?
Mary and martha
What did jesus do to show that he was human?
He wept
What is sabbath?
The day of rest
What is jesus’ teaching on prayer?
Pray in private and God will reward you
Dont use meaningless wirds in prayer
What happened during the paralysed man in 3 bulletpoint?
- A paralysed man and some friends when to visit Jesus and the house was so full they had to move onto the roof.
- They lower the man down and Jesus forgives his sin
- Jesus tell the paralysed man to get up and go home and the man got up and went home
In the prodigal son what does the father, younger son and older son represent?
Younger son= us
Older son = people who have been faithful to God
What is the message of the prodigal son?
If we are truly sorry God will forgive us
In 3 bulletpoints what happened in the parable of the good samaritan?
- A priest and a levite walk past an injured man without helping him
- A samaritan then came by and stopped to bandage him and clean his wounds
- He put the man on a donkey and took the man to an inkeeper
What do the 4 seeds represent in the parable of the sower?
- People that are evil, disrespectful and do not follow God
- Peoole who belive and trust but then trouble comes they forget about it
- People who hear the word but find it useless
- People who understand the word and repeat it
What did the sheep and goats mean?
Sheep-righteous people
Goats-unrighteous people
What are the 4 things people pray for?
- To ak for God’s help
- Sorrow
- Praise and adoration
- Thanksgiving