Minority influence Flashcards
What is minority influence?
A form of social influence where a persuasive minority changes the attitudes and behaviours of the majority and is also a form of internalisation.
What are key behaviours of successful minorities?
They are consistent, committed and flexible.
What does consistency mean?
A minority must be stable in their opinion and there must be an agreement among the minority
What does commitment mean?
A minority must be dedicated to their cause and the greater their dedication, the greater their influence
What does flexibility mean?
A minority must be consistent but they must show a willingness to compromise when expressing their opinions
What are the two types of consistency?
Diachronic and synchronic
What is diachronic consistency?
They have all been saying the same thing for a while
What does synchronic consistency mean?
They all say the same thing
What is the importance of consistency?
Over time, it suggests sincerity, firm convictions and good reasons for the beliefs but also agreement within the group conveys unity
What is the important of flexibility?
Being too rigid and inflexible suggests unwillingness to compromise and feels to bossy or narrow minded but flexibility suggest rationality
What is the importance of commitment?
It involves willingness to sacrifice something valuable, suggesting sincerity, conviction and a good reason for the beliefs
What are two supporting studies?
Nemeth and Moscovici
What was the aim of Nemeth’s study?
To investigate whether a flexible minority could influence a majority
What was Nemeth’s method?
Participants were in groups of 4 with a confederate in each group and they had to agree on an amount to give a victim of ski-lift accident. There were two conditions - one with the minority arguing a low rate and not changing or the minority arguing a low rate but compromising
What were Nemeth’s finding?
In the inflexible condition, the minority had little or no effect but in the flexible condition, the majority was much more likely to compromise and change their view
What was Moscovici’s aim?
To see if a consistent minority can influence a majority?
What was Moscovici’s method?
172 female American participants were told they were taking part in a colour experiment with 6 particpants asked to estimate the colour out loud of 36 slides of shades of blue with 2 of them being confederates. There were two conditions - consistent with two confederates calling all slides green and inconsistent with two confederates called the slides green 24 times
What were Moscovici’s findings?
Participants in the consistent condition were influenced by the minority on 8.42% of the trials and participants in the inconsistent conditions were influenced 1.25%