Minor Prophets - Daniel to Malachi Flashcards
Daniel: Title
Book of the Kingdoms
Hosea: Title
Book of the Law of Love
Jonah: Title
Mercy on Gentiles
Micah: Title
Book of Conviction
Nahum: Title
Book of Vengeance
Habakkuk: title
Book of Faith
Zephaniah: Title
Book of the Day of Wrath
Haggai: Title
Rebuilding the Temple (After Captivity)
Zechariah: Title
Book of Messianic Vision
Malachi: Title
Book of the Lords Messanger(s)
Joel: Title
The Day of the Lord
Amos: Title
Book of Punishment
Obadiah: Title
Book of Retribution
Hosea: What do his wife and children’s names represent?
Gomer: Completion of Idolatry (cup is full)
Jezreel: I Will Scatter
Lo-Ruhamah: No Longer show Mercy
Lo-Ammi: Not my People
? Hosea: When did Hosea’s ministry fit into History ?
Ministered over 45 years,
Last prophet to the Northern KIngdom
What are the Positive and Negative meanings of ‘The Day of the Lord’?
Positive: Time of God’s Salvation and Restoration
Negative: Time of God’s Wrath and Judgment
? Amos: What Literary features did Amos use to show limits to God’s patients?
‘For 3’ and ‘for 4’; meaning God set 3 transgressions and waited until 4th to act.
What Nation did Obadiah prophecy to and how are they related to Israel?
Written to Edom the descendants of Esau.
What is the name of the Law Obadiah refers to describing the basis that God Judges the Nations?
The Law of Return
Who did Micah Prophesy to?
To the Leadership of both Kingdoms.
What was the time difference between Johan and Nahum?
110 Years
What was the natural cause of the destruction of Nineveh?
Water, Flood (undermined the walls)
What is the historical setting of Haggai?
Following the Babylonian Captivity.
What was/is the rhetorical disputation in Malachi?
Literary Device: One speaks, another argues. (Malachi 1:2);
9 occurrences in Malachi
Joel: what was the natural disaster?
Drought & Fire consume Fields
4 Different Plagues of Locust
What was Jonah’s response to God’s mercy and repentance of the Ninevites?
Jonah is angry that God showed mercy to the Ninevites.
What are the 2 questions Habakkuk asked God and the answers.
Q1. How long will you let me see the injustice in the Land without doing anything about it?
A1. I am raising up the Chaldeans to judge the evil in your people.
Q2. How can you use those who are more ungodly than we are?
A2. They will be judged afterwards.