Minor Complaints of Pregnancy Flashcards
What are your DDx’s for a pregnant patient to present with fatigue?
Anemia, blood sugar imbalance, and insomnia
What are the risks associated with anemia during a pregnancy?
Preterm birth, Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), preeclampsia, high ratio of placental:infant weight, postpartum hemorrhage
How would you dx a patient who you suspect has anemia?
Hemoglobin, Hct, B12, Serum ferritin
What foods are high in Iron?
Leafy greens, dried fruit, legumes, nuts, dark molasses, egg yolks, meat, fish
What can you instruct a patient with an inadequate intake of dietary iron to supplement when eating iron-rich foods? Especially when taking an iron supplement?
Ascorbic acid
What should you avoid ingesting with an iron supplement?
Fiber, oxalates, phytates, phosphates, excessive zinc and vitamin E, polyphenols, calcium
How long would you supplement with iron in an anemia patient?
To completion of pregnancy and then 3 months after the anemia has been corrected
What are serious sequelae of a folate deficiency during pregnancy?
Neural tube defects, cleft palate defects
What are the sequelae of a B12 deficiency?
Anxiety/depression, neuropathy, insomnia, memory issues, muscle weakness, dizziness, heart palpitations, bleeding gums, mouth sores, nausea, poor appetite, diarrhea
A patient is having trouble with blood sugar regulation during pregnancy. What do you suggest?
Small frequent meals
Chromium picolinate
Decrease refined carbs, increase protein intake
Botanicals: Devil’s club, gymnema sylvestris, fenugreek
Explain the etiology of N/V during pregnancy.
Increased b-HCG and progesterone decrease peristalsis and HCl production in the stomach. These hormone levels usually peak at 8.2 weeks gestation (but can start at conception). Peak sxs occur at 11 weeks.
How would you help a pregnant patient with N/V?
Dry crackers before getting out of bed, foods high in B vitamins, avoid a full stomach - small, frequent meals, protein, yogurt with cinnamon, 1tsp of apple cider vinegar/8oz water in AM or with meals.
Botanicals: peppermint tea, black horehound tea with honey
Homeopathics: Sepia, Ipecac, Nat mur, Phos
A pregnant patient presents with severe intractable nausea and vomiting at 10 weeks gestation. What is your suspicion?
Hyperemesis gravidarum
How would you manage heart burn in a pregnant patient?
Slow, relaxed meals - avoid stimulating foods/drinks
More raw foods, less processed foods
1tbsp raw cider with water before meals
No lying down 3hrs post-eating
Botanicals: papaya enzymes, peppermint/marshmallow/catnip/ginger/slippery elm tea
What is excessive salivation and how would you suggest managing it in a pregnant patient?
Decrease starch and dairy intake