Minor Arcana: Swords Flashcards
Ace of Swords
Represents clarity, new ideas, and truth
- Trust your intuitive moments that rise from clarity and connection to Self
- Are your thoughts working for you or against you?
Two of Swords
Represents struggle, choice, and decision
- When you make a choice, anchor yourself to it and go from there.
- Reversed: Does thinking or feeling my way through something work better for you?
Three of Swords
Represents sorrow, sadness, and release
- As you drop into feelings that hurt, it is important to release and let them go, but this can be done slowly.
- Reversed: Is it possible that regret causes confusion? Or that confusions causes regret?
Four of Swords
Represents rest, stillness, and reflection
- It is necessary to take time apart in a reflective way. Reset your intentions with your inner voice
- Reversed: Does doing the same thing over and over create the same outcome for you?
Five of Swords
Represents conflict, tension, and shortsightedness
- Only you can be sure if your actions align with your intensions, it is not your job to convince others of your intent.
- Reversed: Is it possible that you are clinging to ideas that do not belong to you
Six of Swords
Represents hope, progress, and healing.
- Gentle and compassionate thoughts towards yourself create space for healing to occur. Release yourself from the past.
- Reversed: Is it possible your resistance to progress or healing is creating persistent discord?
Seven of Swords
Represents choice, integrity, and honesty
-You are only responsible for doing your best, you cannot control others’ perceptions, actions, or reactions.
Reversed: Is self-doubt or deception the cause of your discomfort?
Eight of Swords
Represents self doubt, constraint, and release
-Choose to strengthen the thoughts that empower you and release the constraints from thoughts that no longer serve you.
Reversed: Do you fully accept and love yourself for who you are and where you’ve come from?
Nine of Swords
Represents anxiety, overwhelm, and irrational thinking.
- Choose to follow your anxious thoughts to their source and set your mind free.
- Reversed: Are worry and fear holding you back from shining your light?
Ten of Swords
Represents finale, release, and liberation
-When pain rises in your life, take a moment to feel it, address it, love it, and understand it so you may heal.
Reversed: Are you resistant to healing something within yourself that is causing things to persist?
Innocence of Swords
- Cut through the illusion of your thoughts and learn the facts and truth about who you are
- Reversed: Does a lack of focus lead to unkept promises? Are you hiding by stretching the truth?
Movement of Swords
Ruling Sign: Gemini
-Look at the stories you tell yourself about the people in your life, are they the truth?
Heart of Swords
Ruling Sign: Libra
-Be mindful of the words you use to communicate with yourself and others. Now is a time to heal.
Spirit of Swords
Ruling Sign: Aquarius
Be the master of your mind. Think independently and communicate your truth to others with wisdom and clarity.