Minimum wage Flashcards
What are the pros and cons to setting a minimum wage?
1 The desirability of a minimum wage depends on various factors:
State of the economy. During strong growth and falling unemployment, it is easier for firms to pay higher wages.
2 The desirability of a minimum wage depends on various factors:
The elasticity of demand. Is demand for labour wage inelastic? or will some firms be very sensitive to higher wages? Some service sector jobs like hairdressers/cleaners may argue a small increase in their wage bill could lead to unemployment.
3 The desirability of a minimum wage depends on various factors:
Regional wage rates. Could you allow for regional differences in wages? (e.g. a London specific minimum wage)
4 The desirability of a minimum wage depends on various factors:
Type of labour market. Are labour markets competitive or monopsonistic?
5 The desirability of a minimum wage depends on various factors:
Is there scope for firms to increase labour productivity? and therefore be able to afford the wage increases.