minimum questions Flashcards
- Middle-aged, smoker patient presents with unilateral ear pain, but the examination of the ear does not reveal any disorders. What may be the cause, and what is obligatory to be examined?
Unilateral, referred ear pain is a typical finding in patients with hypopharyngeal (less commonly supraglottic and oropharyngeal) malignancies. This symptom and the tobacco use in the patient history make the examination of the oral cavity,
oropharynx/hypopharynx, larynx and the neck obligatory.
- Causes of peripherial facial palsy (list)
Bell’s palsy;
Herpes zoster oticus;
Other viral or bacterial infections (HSV, EBV, Lyme);
Acute and chronic middle ear diseases (acute and chronic middle ear infections,
cholesteatoma, rarely tumors);
Tumors of the pontocerebellar angle, vestibular schwannoma;
Cranial traumas (pyramid bone fractures), extratemporal traumas;
Malignant tumors of parotid gland.
- Complications of acute otitis media (AOM)
Extracranial -- Intratemporal Acute mastoiditis; Zygomaticitis; Petrositis; Facial nerve palsy; Labyrinthitis; -- Extratemporal Abscess: subperiosteal, preauricular, suboccipital, Bezold's abscess;
Intracranial Extradural abscess; Sinus phlebitis - sinus thrombosis; Subdural abscess; Meningitis, encephalitis; Brain abscess;
General: sepsis.
- Precancerous lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx
Erythroplakia, Leukoplakia, Lichen planus Naevus Spongiosus albus mucosae
- Causes of ear pain
Primary otalgia
- Otitis;
- Tumors of the ear;
Referred ear pain: I <3 R two D Two
- Tumors and inflammations of the larynx, pharynx, tonsils, base of the tongue;
- Dental inflammations, temporomandibular joint syndrome, neuralgic pain.
- Causes of unilateral nasal obstruction and discharge in childhood and in
Childhood: foreign body; sinusitis; nasopharyngeal angiofibroma; congenital malformation: choanal atresia, meningoencephalocele.
Adulthood: nasopharyngeal tumors; deviation of the nasal septum; hypertrophy of turbinates; trauma and it’s late consequences; diseases causing nasal cavity obstruction (polyp, benign and malignant tumors); rhinosinusitis.
- Symptoms of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers
Hoarseness; Dyspnea; Dysphagia; Referred ear pain; Globus feeling; Hemoptoe; Loss of body weight Neck lump.
- Management of choking patients – if intubation cannot be carried out
- Cricothyrotomy – in the lack of time and appropriate tools: we find the cricothyroid ligament above the cricoid cartilage (using fingers), and after carrying out a transversal incision on the skin, we pierce the ligament with any instrument at hand, and insert a holed tool (e.g. outer tube of a pen).
- Tracheotomy – After incising the skin and the platysma, we find (and if necessary - ligate) the isthmus of the thyroid gland, and - at the 2nd or 3rd tracheal cartilage - we make an incision on the anterior wall of trachea (in childhood) or remove a part of the cartilage (in adults). We insert a tube/cannula in order to maintain the free airway.
- Causes of acute hearing loss
Conductive type:
- wax, foreign body;
- acute tubal occlusion, otitis media (OME/AOM);
- trauma (e.g. perforation of the tympanic membrane).
Sensorineural type:
- Noise (acute) induced hearing loss;
- Viral infection;
- Vascular causes;
- Toxical damage (medication, chemicals);
- Traumas.
- Causes of unilateral otitis media with effusion (OME) in adults and childhood
Chronic dysfunction of the Eustachian tube (adenoid vegetation or nasopharyngeal tumor)
In adults, the possibility of a nasopharyngeal tumor must not be left out of consideration!
- Where does the patient localize the pain in cases of frontal, maxillary, ethmoidal or sphenoidal sinusitis?
Frontal sinusitis – forehead;
Maxillary sinusitis – face;
Ethmoidal sinusitis –periorbitally, between the eyes;
Sphenoid sinusitis – crown of the head, referring to the occipital area;
All forms of sinusitis can cause diffuse headache.
- Types of rhinitis (list)
Common infections: Simple acute rhinitis, purulent rhinitis;
Specific forms of Rhinitis: TB, syphilis, sarcoidosis;
Allergic rhinitis
Atrophic rhinitis (oezena)
Rhinitis sicca anterior.
Other causes: idiopathic, vasomotoric, hormonal, drug-induced, rhinitis
medicamentosa, occupational (caused by irritants) foodstuffs. (3 causes are required from the “other” group)
- Primary management of epistaxis/nosebleeding (at home/ambulance/by GP)
The patient should lean forward with open mouth, firm digital pressure should be applied to both nasal alae for 10 minutes;
Ephedrine/nasal drop/vasocontrictor solution-imbibed cotton or spongostan should be applied in nasal cavity;
Cold compress should be applied to the nape of the neck and to the nasal dorsum;
Blood pressure-measurement, antihypertensive treatment if needed.
- ENT diseases causing headache
Viral infection of the upper airways;
Inflammation of nasal sinuses: (acute and chronic);
Benign and malignant tumors of nasal sinuses;
Cervical: cervical vertebra disorders, spondylosis, myalgia;
Complications of otitis and sinusitis: mastoiditis, meningitis, brain abscess,
inflammation of the petrous pyramid;
Pain of temporomandibular joint.
- Management of epistaxis/nosebleeding (anterior, posterior) by ENT professionals
Blood pressure-measurement, antihypertensive treatment - if needed;
Visible bleeding source: chemical cauterization (trichloroacetate, silver nitrate) or
coagulation (bipolar electrocoagulation);
Anterior nasal bleeding: anterior nasal packing;
Posterior nose bleeding: posterior nasal packing (Bellocq tamponade), balloon