Minimum Qs Flashcards
MQ Define Avian influenza (3)
Infection of poultry caused by influenza A virus
- of subtypes H5 or H7 or
- with an IVPI bigger than 1.2
Can be LPAI or HPAI
MQ Define animals diseased of EIA (3)
Pos serology
Patho, histopath
Define Aujeszky free swine herd (5) VÆRT
No inf in 2 years
Epiodemiological conditions (isolation, controlled movement, lab exams, records)
No vax
Testing all sows/boars + repr sample of fattening pigs
Insemination with free semen
MQ Define potentially rabid animal (3)
CS - animal
Bitten by potentially rabid animal
Wild mammal acting strange
MQ Define potentially rabies infected animal (1)
Has or may have contacted a rabid or potentially rabid animal within last 90 days
MQ Define rabies risky animal (2)
Any mammal that has attacked or bitten humans
Any dog not being vaxed according to regulation
Define animal suspected to be contaminated with EIA (2) HAR VÆRT
Kept within 90 days with D or SD animals
No CS but 2 inconclusive or 1 pos serology (21 d)
MQ We think an animal is Suspected infected with anthrax if they (3)
In contact with D, or sus animal within 20 d before confirmation
Consumed feed or water from same origin of D or sus animal
Grazed on infected pasture w/o vax 2 weeks - 6 months
MQ Which animals are considered diseased w/ anthrax (3)
Typical CS
Characteristic lesions (PM)
Lab diagnostics
Official Brucellosis free herd (6) VÆRT
No vax
>12 month testing: 2 serology (3-12m) or 3 milk (3m) + 6 weeks later serology
Import from free herd/tested within 30d
Yearly testing
General measures (isolation of holding, records of lab exams, sep calving, movement control of visitors, animals, vehicles, control of dogs, cats)
MQ Single intradermal tuberculin test results (pos, inconclusive, neg)
Positive: 4 mm or more increase in skinfold (or CS)
Inconclusive: 2-4 mm increase + no CS
Negative: less than 2 mm + no CS
MQ Comparative intradermal tuberculin test (pos, inconclusive, neg)
Positive: 4 mm more than avian (or CS)
Inconclusive: 1-4 mm bigger than avian + no CS
Negative: equal to or smaller than avian + no CS OR NO REACTION AT ALL
TB free herd (6) HAR VÆRT
Testing >6 weeks 2 tuberculin tests 6 months after removal and 6 months after that
Import from free herds or tested within 30 days
Meat inspection. If lesions: compulsory investigation
Yearly tuberculin test
Gen epi measures: isolation of holding, record of lab exams, movement control of visitors, animals and vehicles, control of dogs, cats
MQ SRM in bovine (3)
All: tonsils, duodenum to rectum and mesentery
>12 mo: skull (ø mandible), eyes, brain, SC
>30 mo: vertebra column, dorsal root of ganglia, SC
MQ SRM in ovine, cap (2)
All: spleen, ileum
>12 mo (or 2 ruptured permanent inc): skull, brain, eyes, tonsils
MQ Cohort - BSE (3)
Born in same herd
Born 12 mo before/after
Reared together in first year of life and likely consumed same feed
MQ ELV free herd (2)
No case for >2 years
>24 mo: all animals reacted neg to 2 tests with >4mo interval or situated in free MS or region
MQ How to classify that it is a IBR free herd (5)
>6mo tested 2x (2-12mo interval) 3 milk samples (2mo interval) IBR free semen Embryo transfer from free parents Introduced animals: - first blood/milk negative - from free herd - test during 30d isolation (2x 21d)
MQ Ophthalmic test glanders (3+results)
24hr rest 0.2ml mallein in conjunctiva Evaluate 8-12h or 16-24h after: pos: swelling, purulent discharge inconclusive: mucous discharge neg: none
MQ Maintenance of IBR free herd (5)
TEST >6mo every year before transport to slaughter test milk every 6mo aborted animal tested 3-6wks after abortion (aborted materials and dams blood) only import from free herd: 2x, 21d
Confirmation of ASF (6+5) HAR VÆRT
All animals killed and p
Contaminated material or waste d/p/t
Cleaning and disinf premises, vehicles, equipment (OS)
Trace meat slaughtered after probable introduction and p
Protection: 3km
Surveillance: 10km
- census
- ban on movement and transport of pigs
- movement restrictions of products, vehicles, people
- no markets, fairs, gatherings
- strict cleaning, disinf, disinsectisation
MQ Confirmation of CSF (5)
All pigs killed and r Contaminated material or waste d, r, p Cleaning and disinf (OS) Slaughtered meat traced and p Epidemiological inquiry
MQ CSF in feral pigs (6+4)
Determine infected area Official surveillance of holdings Official census Isolation of domestics No pigs enter or leave holding w/o authorization Written plan of measures Collect info on: - Geographical distribution - Info to hunterers - Estimate feral population - Remove dead or shot pigs
MQ Measures potentially rabid animals = diseased (4) HAR VÆRT
Killed or 90d official monitor if possible after request
If CS: daily inspection
If no CS: weekly inspection
Stray/wild animals killed + inform official vet
Measures potentially rabies-infected (2)
Official monitoring for 90d
- carnivore: under separation, inspected every 3wks
- non-carnivore: separated from hu, other animals, insp every 3 weeks
Measures potentially rabies risky animals (2)
Official 14d monitoring - if none: microchip
In dogs: give vax after monitoring if none valid
Measures confirmed Newcastle (8)
All poultry killed on spot All carcasses and eggs d Contaminated substance or waste d or t Slaughtered poultry traced and d Hatching eggs laid during incub period t and d - hatched: official surveillance Cleaning and disinf Reintroduction 21d after disinf Protection and surveillance zone
Newcastle in pigeons (6)
Control and eradication measures OR ban on movement for 60d Contrminated matter or waste d or t Epi inquiry Swill prohibited Contingency plan
Measures diseased w/ anthrax (3)
Separate into groups: D + SD, susp inf, other susceptible animals
Immediate treatment
Change food, water, no grazing
Measures suspected infected w/ anthrax (4) HAR VÆRT
Vax + 14d observation
Bo, Eq: temp
Ov, Cap, Su: daily obs
In case of CS or fever: treat
Samples in case of FMD sus (4)
1g tissue from enraptured or recently ruptured vesicle
Ep. samples in transport medium (pH 7.2-7.4)
Eso-phar fluid w/ probang
Vax of dogs against rabies (3)
Within 30d after 3mo: monovalent
6mo after that: monovalent
Every year after: polyvalent
MQ Vax in CSF (2)
No preventative
MS concerned may submit emergency vax plan to commission for farm and feral pigs
MQ Vax in case of confirmation of FMD (3+4)
No trade of vax animals
Vax animal from tested herd can be moved within MS
System of traceability ensures no community trade
Emergency vax:
- classify herd
- clearly identified, registered animals - do not move
- specific measures within vax zone - no movement of animals or products
- clinical and serological survey to ensure disease hasn’t spread
MQ Official measures in case of confirmation of AHS (7)
Inform public about restrictions
Kill infected horses
Dispose carcass and animal waste
Strict disinf
20km zone: official surveillance, obl vax, lab exam of dogs, kill diseased dogs
Epizootic inquiry
Take into account epi, geo, climate conditions
MQ Public health rules in case of rabies (3)
Official vet shall notify competent regional medical institute if:
she confirms rabies or potential rabies OR
she becomes aware of the fact that a rabid, potentially rabid or potentially rabies-inf animal has bitten a person
MQ Lifting ordered restrictions - scabies (4)
Observation periods: If wool less than 2cm: 42d after dipping If >2cm: 70d after 2x dipping Other preparations: 42d Other species: 42d after 2x treatment
MQ Official measures rabbit flock diseased of VHD (3)
Movement restrictions, NO slaugther, killing
Dispose carcass
Valuable flock: kill diseased, vax the rest (during 6mo)
MQ Recovery of FMD free status after no vax (2)
Control and eradication measures have been effective and may be lifted AND at least 3mo have elapsed since last recorded outbreak
Animals suspicious to anthrax (2)
Non-typical CS Suspected infected (feed, water) + fever
IBR eradication methods
Classical selection
Selection with use of marker vax
Generation shift
Herd change
Incubation of FMD
Exotic fish diseases
Epizootic hematopoietic necrosis
Epizootic ulcerative syndrome
Common rules for disease control
Notification Harmonized control measures Uniformity of diagnostic procedures Contingency plans Epidemiological units Financial support
Apply strict controls to a defined area of the community to control and eradicate a disease
Prevent spread from defined area
Permit free movement outside defined area
Pig free of Aujeszky
virus, ag, DNA not detected
gB-ELISA neg
kept in free herd
DIVA strategy
vax strategy - enables diff to be made btw vax/inf and vax/non-inf through diagnostic test designed to detect abs against field virus and the use of non-vax sentinel birds
Repopulation of holdings in case of AI
21d following disinf
Diseases using sentinel animals
Define long journey
exceeds 8hrs starting from when first animal of the consignment is moved
Protection of animals during transport does not apply to
transport which is not in connection with economic activity (>5 animals) or directly to/from vet clinics
Only general conditions apply to (transport of animals)
Transport carried out by farmers - seasonal transhumance
Transport of their own animals in their own means of transport less than 50km
General conditions of transport of animals
No transport where it is likely to cause injury or undue suffering
All arrangements made in advance to minimize length and meet animals needs
All animals fit for journey
Means of transport dsesigned, maintained and operated to avoid injury and suffering and to ensure safety (easily cleaned, disinf)
Personnel trained and competent
Sufficient floor area and height
Water feed and rest at suitable intervals, appropriate quality and quantity for species and age
Transport documentation
Origin and ownership Place of departure Date and time of departure Intended place of destination Expected duration of intended journey
When is journey log needed
Long journeys between MS and with third countries (domestic equids, domestic animals of bo, ov, cap, su)
When can checks be carried out during transport
At any stage of a long journey
At exit points and border inspection posts
Which animals are unfit for transport
Physiological weakness/pathological process:
- unable to move without pain
- severe open wound or prolapse
- pregnant after 90% of gestation or given birth in previous week
- newborns with navel not healed
OR (unless <100km)
- pigs <3wks
- lambs <1wk
- calf <10d
- dog, cat <8wks unless with mama
- cervine animals in velvet
Additional requirements for >8hr journeys
Unweaned: 9hr: 1hr rest –> 9 more hrs
Pigs: max 24hrs, always water
Carni+horse: max 24hrs, food + water every 8hrs
Other: 14hrs, 1hrs rest + water + food –> 14 more hrs
light coloured roof bedding carry sufficient food feeding equipment partitions to separate animals
Three R’s
Five freedoms
hunger, thirst discomfort pain, injury, disease express normal behavior fear and distress
Stunning methods
Captive bolt Concussion Electronarcosis Exposure to CO2 EXCEPTION: RITUAL SLAUGHTER
Which animals don’t need stunning if slaugthered at home
Poultry, rabbits, hares
Which animals can be slaugthered in private
Rabbits, poultry, hares, pigs, small ru
Killing methods
Free bullet pistol or rifle
Exposure to CO2
Other: decapitation, dislocation of neck, vacuum chamber)
Aspects of killing
Welfare of animals Safety of workers Environmental protection Cost Time
General measures in protection zone
Identify holdings with susceptible animals
Periodic visits (clin exam and collect samples if nec)
Prohibited movement of animals of susc species unless auth
Animals must remain on holding except transport for emergency slaughter
At least for max incub period
Min 3km radius
General measures in surveillance zone
Identify holdings with susceptible animals
Movement on public roads prohibited except auth
Transport within zone subject to auth
Animals of susc species must remain inside zone for max incub period
Inform people about restrictions
Min 10 km
Disinfection methods
Procedures prohibited in pets
Tail docking
Ear cropping
Declawing and defanging
Organizations active in animal welfare
Council of Europe
Council of Europe objectives (p, p, f, c)
protect human rights, pluralist democracy and rule of law
promote awareness and encourage the development of Europe’s cultural
identity and diversity
to find common solutions to the challenges facing European society
to consolidate democratic stability in Europe by backing political, legislative
and constitutional reform
OIE objectives (in, co, ex, pr)
to inform Governments about the occurrence and course of diseases of animals through the world and way of controlling these diseases
to provide co-ordination at an international level for studies devotes to the surveillance and control of animal diseases
examine regulation for trade in animals and their products
give priority to the welfare of animals used in agriculture and aquaculture and to identify animal welfare research needs
Aim of GATT agreements (SPS)
to reduce to a minimum the negative effects of health barriers on international trade
a legal agreement
Establishes those international animal health measures, guidelines and recommendations necessary for the protection of human and animal life and health
Regulation in the EU
directly applied without the need for national measures to implement them