Mini Quiz 1 Flashcards
the study of culture and language
3 meanings of culture that has shifted over time..
1) a whole way of social life
2) a name for “serious” works of music, art, literature and film
2 parts of pop culture
mass culture and folk culture
*lines between the two are often blurry
mass culture
entertainment produced by commercial media
ex) TV, film, music
folk culture
what ordinary people do or make in everyday life
popular culture
the communicative practices of everyday life
-it does not refer directly to a clear cut group of texts or practices, but is a site of struggle between groups and individuals over the production of meaning
when did cultural studies emerge? where? what does it look at?
in the 1950’s in Britain
-looks at social relations and power, asks us to examine our our practices, pleasures, experiences and beliefs in light of broader social structures
why study culture studies?
it is necessarily political as it is concerned with the distribution of social and economic power in the world
-helps us to understand how pop culture works
3 summary points about pop culture
1) power is a central issue for understanding pop culture (critical thinking)
2) it has a history
3) it can be a useful tool in helping us transform our social world
cultural studies helps us move past 3 things..
1) unconscious consumption
2) contemptuous dismissal
3) cynical consumption
1) unconscious consumption
passively taking everything at face value
2) contemptuous dismissal
trying to escape or live outside of commercial culture (this is nearly impossible)
3) cynical consumption
knowing something is ‘bad’ for us but doing it anyway
Kellner reading highligts
- studying subcultures helps us understand group membership, power & oppression of culture
- why pop cult is important to study (critique the media)
- identifies power relations coded in cultural texts
- reveals how people challenge and resist these powers
reduce social relations of domination and subordination
- makes inequalities seem natural and just
- induces consent to relations of domination
multiculturalist approach
demonstrates how culture reproduces racism, sexism and bias against subordinate classes, social groups and lifestyles
multiperspectival analysis
a broad but guided way for students to examine culture, politics and society
- encourages individual empowerment
- critical to cultural studies