Minerals Flashcards
Minerals represent only __% of body weight
Definition of Minerals
inorganic element that is necessary for the body to build tissues, regulate body fluids, or assist in various body functions
Any abnormal concentrations of minerals can ?
Help diagnose different disorders
Do Minerals Provide Energy
Not by themselves but they contribute to production of energy within the body
Where are Minerals found ?
How is the specific mineral content of food determined?
Burning the food and chemically analyzing the remaining ash
Human body contains more _____ than any other mineral
What percentage of calcium is found in the skeleton ?
Which mineral is a component of bones and teeth and is responsible for normal nerve/muscle action, blood clotting, heart function, cell metabolism
BEST sources of Calcium
Milk & milk products
1 cup of milk provides how much calcium ?
300 mg of calcium
One ounce of cheddar cheese provides how much calcium ?
250 mg of calcium
Vitamin D is believed to enhance absorption of what?
Bones provide storage for what?
Calcium and Phosphorus
If calcium intake is low for a period of years what could happen?
Adequate intake for calcium for Adults
1,000 - 1,300mg
Calcium supplements are recommended for patient who is
Lactose Intolerant
Together with calcium, this mineral is necessary for strong and rigid bones and teeth
Functions of Phosphorus
Metabolism,of carbs fats and proteins, acid-base balance, and helps B vitamins
Sources of Phosphorus
Milk, meats, poultry, and fish
Deficiency of Phosphorus
bone demineralization, fatigue, and anorexia
Recommended Intake of Phosphorus
580 - 700mg
This mineral is an electrolyte found primarily in intracellular fluid
Functions of potassium
maintains fluid level within the cell, osmosis, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contractions
Potassium Deficiency
muscle weakness, paralysis, heart abnormalities
Recommended Intake Potassium
3,400 Males | 2,600 Females
cardiac failure can occur
Function of sodium
control of fluid balance (outside of the cell) in the body, nerve transmission and normal muscle function
Sources of Sodium
table salt, everyday junk food
Deficiency of sodium
dehydration or tetany, upset of acid-base balance
Toxicity of sodium
can cause edema, hypertension, and cardiovascular problems
What are the 5 main electrolytes
Potassium and Chloride
Function of Chloride
maintenance of fluid, electrolyte, acid base balance, helps blood carry C02 to lungs and immune response
Sources of Chloride
table salt
Requirements of Chloride
2,300 mg a day
Deficiency of Chloride
vomiting, diarrhea, alkalosis
Function of Magnesium
essential for the maintenance of fluid, electrolyte, and acid base balance. helps blood carry C02 to lungs, and immune responses
Sources of Magnesium
green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains
Deficiency of Magnesium
nausea, emotional and muscular disorders
Requirements of Magnesium
400-420 mg daily for men and 310-320 mg for women.
Function of Iron
deliver oxygen to body tissues, component of hemoglobin
Sources of Iron
Spinach, meat, poultry, and fish
For Iron to be absorbed it must be
ferric to ferous iron, HCL from stomach aids in that process
Only ___% of iron is absorbed
Requirements of Iron
Men 10mg Females 15mg
Iron deficiency can lead to …
Function of Iodine
component of thryoid hormones , necessary for rate of metabolism
Sources of Iodine
iodized salt and seafood
Requirements of Iodine
150mg needed , additional for pregnancy
Deficiency of Iodine
goiters form on neck, myedema and cretinism
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Function of Zinc
cofactor for more than 300 enzymes, essential for growth, wound healing, taste acuity, glucose tolerance, mobilization of vitamin A
Sources of Zinc
meat, fish, eggs, dairy
Requirements of Zinc
11g for male 8g for females
Deficiency of Zinc
impaired immune, decrease appetite and taste acuity
Heaviest concentration of selenium is in the
liver, kidneys, and heart
Function of selenium
essential component of various enzymes, antioxidant, immune system, reproduction, metabolism
Sources of selenium
seafood, kidney, liver, muscle meats
Requirements of selenium
Selenium supplements are good in treating what
Keshan disease
Selenium toxicity
1mg or more is toxic and can cause skin lesions, loss of hair and nails
Copper’s highest concentration is in
Liver,kidneys,muscles, and brain
Functions of Copper
participates in energy production, formation of red blood cells, formation of hemoglobin, iron to bone marrow
Sources of Copper
organ meats, shellfish,whole grain cereal
Requirements of Copper
900mg for adults
Deficiency of Copper
anemia, bone demineralization, impaired growth
Toxicity of Copper
10-15 mg can cause vomiting and Wilson’s disease
How can Keshan’s disease occur
Deficiency of selenium
Function of Manganese
constituent of several enzymes in metabolism and important in bone formation
Sources of manganese
whole grains and tea
Toxicity of manganese
neurological problems
Function of fluoride
strengthens bones and teeth by making the mineral less soluble
Sources of fluoride
fluoridated water, fish , tea
Deficiency of fluoride
tooth decay
Excessive fluoride
mottling of children’s teeth or permanent discoloration
Requirements of manganese
2.3 mg for men / 1.8 for women
Requirements of fluoride
Males 4mg females 3mg
Function of chromium
associated with glucose and lipid metabolism
Sources of chromium
meat, mushrooms, nuts, organ meats
Requirements of chromium
35mg male 25mg women
Deficiency of chromium
disturbances in glucose metabolism
Function of molybdenum
process proteins and genetic material like DNA, break down drugs and toxic substances that enter the body
Sources of molybdenum
milk, liver, legumes, and cereals
Requirements of molybdenum
45ug, fulfilled with balanced diet
Toxicity of molybdenum
inhibits copper absorption