mineralization and fluoride Flashcards
1) initiation
2) crystal growth
1) dental lamina
2) mineralization
- amelogenesis and dentinogenesis
amelogenesis secretory stage
1) enamel matrix proteins
- amelogenin
- ameloblastin
- enamelin
2) enamel precursors form during the early secretory stage
- initiation at DEJ
1) 90% of enamel organic matrix made from it
2) essential for enamel crystal growth and orientation
- rod/interrod
3) calcium phosphate nucleation with amelogenin assemply
- crystalline structure
amelogenin organization
1) nanosphere model
- electric charges attract into balls, which align into rod structure
2) nanoribbon directed crystal growth
- head and tail which make dimers => self assembly into ribbons
1) glycoprotein
2) 8-10% of the organic matric
3) role in cell matrix attachment and maintenance of ameloblast differential statee
1) glycoprotein
2) trace amount
transition stage
1) morphology change
- tomes process
2) ameloblast gene expression change
- EMP coding genes
- ion transport, proteolysis, pH homeostasis genes
maturation stage
1) crystals expand in width and thickness
2) morphology
- ruffle ends and smooth ended
proteolytic enzymes
1) MMP20
- dominate in secretory stage
2) KLK4
- dominate mature stage
3) remove proteins
1) uptake proteins via endocytosis
2) lysosomes containing the enzymes break it down
pH balance and ion transport
1) lots of protons released
2) secretory is neutral
3) maturation is acidic
4) ameloblasts use a number of transport mechanisms to modulate pH
acid base transport mechanisms
1) bicarbonate transporter
2) carbonic anhydrases
3) chloride channels
4) H+ pump
5) other ion pumps
calcium transporters
1) secretory
- uptake is either passive and/or store Ca2+ entry (SOCE)
- extrusion: PM Ca2+/ATPase or sodium/calcium exchanger (NCX)
2) maturation
- uptake: RA via SOCE
- extrusion: NCKX4, with NCX1/3 and PMCA
phosphate ions
1) unclear mechanism
2) Pi from circulation to enamel is fast
3) via transporter or paracellular/intracellular route?
water fluoridation
1) reduces caries and tooth decay in USA
2) F- stablizes the hexagonal symmetry and crystal lattice
3) 1 ppm
fluoride metabolism
1) 50% will go to the bone in adults, 70-80% in infants
2) rest excreted in kidneys
- half life is 4 hrs
fluoride toxicity
1) when over 1 gram
- fatal: acute lethal
- inhibits enolase
- reacts with Ca2+ in ECF, which causes toxicity
2) 10-100 mG
- osteofluorosis, hypermineralization
- bone structure change
3) 1-10 mG
- dental fluorosis
- enamel hypomineralization due to Ca2+ removal from enamel
stages of fluorosis
1) very mild
- small chalky <25% of surface
2) mild
- white opacities <50% of surface
3) moderate
- brown staining
4) severe
- extensive discoloration and hypoplasia
fluoride incorportation over time
1) increases in the tooth over time
2) replaced hydroxyl group
3) inhibit enolase which is antibacterial effect