Mind Truts Flashcards
When you will do it
You will do it only under pressure of need to do it. Cant avoid it.
Being hero. Brave, foolish. Some one who is in cloud but in reality in same time. Have eternal youth by being in child imagination. Have bravery, happines, creativity, vornability, kindness, understanding,innocence.
Death and life
You live because of other people, they live becouse of you. You are each other purpouse . Suicide is where you only see your pain and misery. Where you dont see other people caring for you.You are traped in your own selfish world. Emotion selfishness, fear.
Use it for social thing in psihology. Having a company to cure you from social anexiaty, depression. Use it for positive interaction.
Habits, emotions, thoughts
To change thoughs and be more happy, contented. Be aware negative thoughts, memories, obsesive though arising. Realise that emotion is not real,neather is thought. For habits resist to do them. Control over them.Though can be changed by distracting them in diffrent direction and interpreting them diffrenty not stoping them or resisting.
Reality, bad, good
Dont judge, blame, stive fo thing to be different accept them for what they are. Dont disort reality to fit your ideals. Its is what it is. It will happend what happens. It happend what happend. Dont attach to cetain ideal of reality.
Its gonna be stressful at time to push because of mind being more attached to familar than unafiliar emotions, sensations, experiences. It will feel out control. Be curious, pattient and persitant. Comit to better and leaving things behind. Not losing but leaving. Make no return back. Make new habits, thougs stick by making it your norm that you cant give up.
Failure, hopeless, fool
Those things will make you strugle. You have to overcome them by not giving up and daring to be afraid, fool, stupid, humiliated. Remember not to show weakness in those times. Show streinght and push trought. Even if your mind teling you stop and is filed wirh with negative. Put hand in fire. Experience pain with bravery
Decide to jump. Once you jump there is not going back. You will have to let go of this life experience to live another life experience. Dont overthink and just do it. You will fly trought another side fine.
Comitment, bravery, foolishness, acceptance, persitance, consitency,goal in mind. To give your full atention and focus in accomplishing higher goal for giving up small pleasures,and entertainment.
Internet compulsive usage, smoking, sexual content to minimase to level where you can go long without it and be control it when to do it.
Feeling of not deserving happines, something bad is gonna happen, or you are done bad things to be happy
Those beliefs could steam from beliefs that we should put others first, feelings shame and guilt and low self worth.Solve this by forgiving your past events and making yourself and priority.