Millenial Blackness Flashcards
selective integration of a limited number of folks in order to point to the alleged end to segregation yet not a true representation of integration
enlightened racism
Shift from Racism as ignorant & vicious to racism as “evidence-based” and willing to grant exceptions
acknowledging individual divergence from stereotype but still
believing in the stereotype
a site of imagined community
linguistic practice; deploys figurative language, indirectness, doubleness, and wordplay as means of conveying multiple layers of meaning
digital divide
race biased disparity in access to and expertise with digital culture in white vs nonwhite communities
deficit model
focuses on what communities lack; this normalizes the white experience (as if there is only one) as the correct one, and those that differ are deficient in some way.
It presumes that there is a deficit to begin with
Certain skills being natural for people
cultural capital
different from economic capital, can be less tangible, but has a huge influence on the quality of life and access to other resources and power
black feminist theory
“all things available to know are produced from certain perspectives, claims and standpoints”Patricia Hill Collins
Normal has protections built into it
the clap-back
A way of refuting the limited and limiting representations of black womanhood that circulate online
Essay demonstrates black women’s efforts to use online discussion spaces as sites for addressing their concerns about lived experience as well as how that experience is represented to the general public
oppositional gaze (black feminist)
the oppositional gaze is a critical look that analyzes and re-interprets the construction of societal ideals and media. Specifically, it is used by black females to challenge the male gaze and broadens the ideas of what the gaze, or filter on the media actually is
centralized model
Elevated individual men and marginalizes the needs of women, queer folk and all/others outside the norms of respectability or major experience
social media
Platform for community of race, public sphere in which signs and myths are constructed
public sphere
a space for people within a nation state to exchange ideas outside of state control
Hierarchal system that produces inequality
the social, political, economic structures which control distribution of power and resources in favor of heterosexuals, and therefore perceives that the norm is being heterosexual
binary thinking
thinking based on two perspectives
black and white, no shades of grey
black lives matter founders
opal tomato, alicila garza, and patrisse cullors
enlightened racism
sut jhally
beyonce’s lemonade: a call and response roundtable
melissa perry
mixing it up: enacting whiteness in the world of dave chapelle
faedra carpenter
tweets, tweeps, and signifyin
sarah florin
all lives matter, but so does race: Black Lives matter and the evolving role of social media
cant’t stop, won’t stop
jeff chang
the most powerful art of the black lives matter movement
cultural appropriations of technical
brock, kvasney, and hales
how to be black online