Military Problem Solving W113 Flashcards
What two terms are associated with problem solving?
Critical reasoning (thinking) and creative thinking
What two types of information is required to solve problems?
Facts and assumptions
What is ID the problem.
Who what where when and why
What are the seven steps of problem solving?
- Identify the problem 2.gather information 3. develop criteria 4.generate possible solutions 5. analyze possible solutions possible solutions 7.make and implement the decision
Develop two types of criteria
Screening and evaluation criteria
Five categories of screening criteria are commonly applied to test a possible solution
Suitability, feasibility, acceptability, distinguishable its, completeness
Solves the problem and is legal and ethical
Fits within available resources
Worth the cost or risk
Distinguish ability
Differs significantly from other solutions
Contains the critical aspects of solving the problem from start to finish
Well-defined evaluation criteria have five elements
Short title, definition, unit of measure, benchmark, formula
Short title
A criterion name
A clear description of the feature being evaluted
Unit of measure
Standard element used to quantify the criteria such as dollars, miles per gallon, and feet.