Militarist Japan Flashcards
Political Developments -> Political Instability
- Emp Yoshihito too sickly
- Can’t exercise authority over Jap govt
- Genro also left political scene due to old age
- No strong Emp or Genro to unite Jap govt
- Divisions between court officals, civilian govt & military govt
-Chosen by Emp, not PM - PM can’t remove mili officials when they didn’t follow policies
- Mili opposed civilian govt’s policy of diplomacy & trade.
- Military resented civilian govt & PM for cutting their budget
- Refused to supply ministers for army & navy so cabinet can’t be formed
——— CIVILIAN GOVT——— - Composed of 2 political Rivals (Sei
- They always competed for power (to be the alpha)
- Hard for PM to gain support of majority
- as Opposition party could refuse to support PM
HENCE - ppl thought Civil govt inefficient, incapable & instable
- ppl unhappy, wanted stronger govt
- 1931. Mukden incident
- Jap ppl thought military govt would be stronger, more capable
- Rise of MM
- 1929, GD
- Jap badly affected due to reliance on foreign trade
- Demand for Jap exports fell
- Jap econ fell by 20%
- Affected income of ppl
——FARMERS - Demand for farmers’ produce decreased
-> Farmers less income, evicted by landlords who refused to lower rent.
——BUSINESSES - Small Business struggled to attract customers
- 1930.. Twice as many Businesses closed compared to normal
- Claimed civilian govt who only seemed to care abt rich Zaibatsus & landowners
——CIVILIANS - Mass unemployment
1930-1932. 20% of workforce lost job
HENCE - Many joined the Imperial Middle Class Federated Alliance to protest
- Thought Zaibatsu & civilian government in cahoots, being given $$
-> Distrust - Thought civilian govt biased & not capable
- Ppl began to support alternative govts military like militarism
Social developments -> Rural urban divide
- A lot of support given by civilian govt to Zaibatsus
-> BUT peasants continued to live in poverty - Rich Zaibatsus & landlords carried out leisure activities like visiting hot springs
- While peasants struggled to get by
-> Many unemployed & evicted
—— - Rice riots by poor workers towards the wealthy
- Rice riots by poor workers towards the wealthy
- Dissatisfaction with civil govt as ppl thought they were corrupted
- Didn’t care about workers
- Ppl turned to alternative govts like the military govt
- 1931 Mukden incident
-> Military govt seemed capable
1930s Industrialisation -> Economic impact of Militarist Jap
- Jap wanted to expand rule over Asia
- Jap shifted focus from consumer industries to heavy industries like chemical production & building of roads & railways
—— - Hired many workers in these industries
- Combat mass unemployment from 1929 GD
- Militarist govt spent more to stimulate Jap econ
—— - More $$ set aside for Jap heavy industries
- which expand their manufacturing industries & strengthened their econ
HENCE - positive as many ppl now had jobs
- Militarism also allow Jap to develop industries
- Militarist Jap more self-sufficient & industrially strong state
1930s Control of Labour Unions -> Neg Econ Impact of Militarism
- In 1920s,
- 1936, militarist govt had a diff attitude towards labour unions
- Forced thousands of workers to withdraw
- Workers had less rights
-> May be underpaid / overworked / mistreated
HENCE - Militarism also has neg econ impact
- No labour unions to protect workers
- Workers less taken care of
Control of Jap thought -> Social impact of Mili Govt
- Mili Govt wanted to promote loyalty to the state, & Emperor,
- as well as strong military spirit
—— - Campaign for Economic Revitalisation
- Emphasised trad values of peasants living in rural areas.
- Encouraged Trad domestic roles of women
——- - Censorship of ideas that did not conform with or threatened the militarist govt’s beliefs
The Publishing Monitoring Department
-> published guidelines for all publishing companies
-> & scrutinised all media
—- - 1936. Govt formed the Information and Propaganda Committee
- Controlled media to promote militarist ideas
—— - Kempeitai, secret police
- To silence those who did not conform
Control of Edu -> Social impact of mili Govt
- Edu strong emphasis on nationalistic pride
- Shinto beliefs -> Loyalty to Emperor and Community b4 oneself
—— - 1937. Jap’s Ministry of Edu published a doc called Fundamentals of Our National Pride☹️ for tchers
- to inculcate trad beliefs in students