Milestones Pt I Flashcards
Asymmetric Tonic Neck Reflex
Present birth - 4 months
must extinguish prior to learning to roll
Palmar/Plantar Grasp
birth - 3 months
must extinguish prior to voluntary grasp and release
Moro Reflex
birth - 3 months
Postural Reactions- what are they and when do they appear
parachuting and tilting while seating
present 3 - 10 months
transition from involuntary to voluntary behavior
Parachuting reflex
postural reaction- protective reflex
should be present by 4 months
Tilting while seated
- righting of head back toward midline
- protective extension of arm toward side
- Equilibrium countermovements of the arm and leg on the opposite side
6 months- gross motor
sitting up solo
9 months- gross motor
12 months- gross motor
walking solo
15 months- gross motor
crawls up stairs
when should hands unfist by
3 months
when should they be able to “rake” objects with hands
7 months
fully grasp objects?
12 months
when does hand dominance develop?
2nd year
feeding self?
15-18 months!!!!
motor development red flags
persistent fisted hands @ 3 months
delayed postural reactions (parachuting & head tilting)
indicators of spasticity & hypertonia
rolling at 1-2 months bunny hopping persistent toe walking W sitting pulling to stand @ 4 mos scissoring (while walking)
roll from tummy to back?
4 months
roll from back to tummy?
5-6 months, takes a little longer and more muscle to roll from back to tummy
indicators of hypotonia & weakness
frog leg positioning
hand dominance before 18 mos
single best indicator of intellectual potential?
looks for object dropped out of sight? (object permanence)
6-8 mos
symbolic play?
12 mos
most common area in which delays are found on screening?
language development
cooing sounds?
2-3 months
combing syllables “dada, baba”
9 months
first real word?
12 months
how many words by 18 months?
cognitive development red flags
speech delay
no protodeclarative pointing (early sign of autism)
follow person with eyes?
1-3 months
stranger anxiety?
6-9 months
uses spoon/utensils?
15-18 months
pretend play?
30 months (2.5 y/o)
group play/role play/fantasy (this sounds super raunchy, sorry)
48 months
fuck months. the kid is 4