tissue differentiate into essential organs.
embryo most vulnerable to teratogens.
Embryonic Stage
head is large in proportions and represents about 1/3 of the entire structure. rudimentary heart appears as prominent bulge
end of 4 weeks
organogenesis is complete
end of 8 weeks
a sonogram shows gestational sac
end of 8 wks
arms and legs are like bud structures
end of 4 wks
meconium is present on upper intestine
end of 20 wks
sex can be determined by ultrasonography
end of 16 wks
fetus actively swallows amniotic fluid, demonstrating an intact but uncoordinated swallowing reflex; urine is present in amniotic fluid
end of 16 wks
babinski reflex present
end of 12 wks
sex is distinguishable on outward appearance
end of 12 wks
end of 8th wk to birth of baby
fetal stage
lung alveoli almost mature, surfactant can be demonstrated in amniotic fluid
end of 28 weeks
antibody production is possible; passive antibody transfer from mother to fetus begins
end of 20 wks
eyelids previously fused since the 12th week, now open: pupils react to light
end of 24 wks
iron stores, which provide iron for the first time during which neonate will ingest only breast milk after birth, are beginning to build
end of 32 wks
testes begin to descend
end of 28 wks
FHS is audible by stethoscope
end of 16 wks
meconium is present as far as the rectum
end of 24 wks
sole of foot has only one or two crisscross creases, composed with a full crisscross pattern evident at birth
end of 36 wks
lanugo is well formed
end of 16 wks
circulatory system through umbilical cord well established
end of 8 wks
urine secretion begins but not yet be evident in amniotic fluid
end of 12 wks
subQ fat begins to be deposited
end of 32 wks
most babies turn into a vertex/cephalic presentation this month
end of 36 wks
vernix caseosa fully formed
end of 40 weeks
hearing can be demonstrated by response to sudden sound
end of 24 wks
an active moro reflex is present
end of 32 wks
body stores of glycogen, Fe, CHO, Ca are deposited
end of 36 wks
hair includinb eyebrows, forms on the head; vernix caseosa (produced by sebaceous glands: provides protection) begins to cover the skin
end of 20 wks
fetus kicks actively
end of 40 wks
nail bed formation
end of 12 wks
heart with a septum and valves, beats rhythmically
end of 8 wks
fingernails reach the end of fingertips
end of 32 wks
definite sleeping and activity patters are distinguishable
end of 20 wks
tooth buds are present
end of 12 wks
main external features develop
embryonic stage
fomation of spinal cord
end of 4 wks
active production of lung surfactant begins
end of 24 wks
fetus responds to movememt of sounds
end of 32 wks
amount of lanugo begins to diminish
end of 36 wks
external genitalia are forming, gender not distinguished
end of 8 wks
fetal hemoglobin
end of 40 wks
bone ossification center begin to form
end of 12 wks
achieved a practical low-end age of viability
end of 24 wks
fingernails extend over the fingertips; creases on soles of feet
end of 40 wks
spontaneous fetal movements can be sensed by mother
end of 20 wks
both liver and pancreas are functioning
end of 16 wks
heart audible through doppler
end of 12 wks