Milestones Flashcards
What happens at 2 1/2 years fine motor development?
– Has hand preference – can do simple jigsaw puzzles – Can pour sand and water into cups – Is starting to develop tripod grasp - Can pull down clothing such as trousers
What happens at 5-8 years gross and locomotive development?
– Hops, skips and jumps confidently
– Can balance on a beam
– Chases and dodges others
– Can use a bicycle and roller skates
What happens at 6 months fine motor development?
- can reach for a toy
- moves you from one hand to other
- puts objects into mouth
What happens at 4-5 years gross and locomotive development?
– Skips with a rope
– Runs quickly and dodges
– Throws a ball to partner and catches it
What happens at 6 months gross and locomotive development?
- moves arms to indicate they want lifting
- can roll over from back to front
What happens at 9 months fine motor development?
- can grasp an object with index finger and thumb
- can deliberately release objects by dropping them
What happens at 4-5 years social development?
– Begins to enjoy sharing with others
– Enjoys having friends and is upset if not available
What happens at 0-3 months language development?
Begins to coo at 6 weeks
What happens at 6 months language development?
Blends vowels and constants together to make babbling sounds
What happens at 9 months gross and locomotive development?
- can sit unsupported
- is likely to be mobile i.e. crawling all rolling
What happens at 12 months emotional development?
- Stays close to familiar adults
- enjoys the company of familiar adults and siblings
What happens at 3 months emotional development?
- cries when alone
- has indiscriminate attachments
What happens at 2 1/2 years language development?
– Has 200 words
– Is making simple sentences
What happens at 0-3 months emotional development?
At 1 month, focuses on human faces with interest
What happens at 18 months gross and locomotive development?
- can walk unaided
- can walk up stairs with help (2 feet per stair)
- can climb up onto toy
- can squat to pick up a toy
What happens at 6 months emotional development?
Recognises emotions in others and responds
What happens at 9 months cognitive development?
Understands some simple words such as ‘no’ and ‘bye-bye’
What happens at 12 months fine motor development?
- uses index finger and thumb (pincer grasp) to pick up small objects
- can point to things with index finger
What happens at 15 months gross and locomotive development?
- May be walking with hesitation
- May fall and also bump into furniture
- crawls upstairs
What happens at 18 months emotional development?
- emotionally dependent on parents and key workers
- wants immediate attention
What happens at 9 months social development?
Imitate others actions such as clapping or peekaboo
What happens at 2 years social development?
Plays in parallel with others but cannot share toys
What happens at 12 months cognitive development?
- understands simple instructions such as’ where’s your hat?’
- knows own name
What happens at 12 months gross and locomotive development?
- May stand alone briefly
- May walk holding onto furniture
What happens at 0-3 months gross and locomotive development?
Reflexes including sucking, rooting and Moro
What happens at 3 years social development?
– Is starting to take turns and share
– Enjoys being with other children and may have friendship preferences
– Will comfort other children
What happens at 15 months fine motor development?
- can make precise movements with pincer grasp to pick up crumbs or small objects
- grasps crayons with palmar grasp
What happens at 15 months social development?
Enjoying being played with by others
What happens at 2 1/2 years emotional development?
– Highly dependent on adults
– Can be jealous of other children gaining attention
– Has tantrums when frustrated
What happens at 18 months fine motor development?
- can use a spoon to feed with
- can scribble
- can build a tower of three bricks
- uses palmar grasp to hold crayons and other long handled objects
What happens at 3-4 years cognitive development?
– Recognises and names a few colours
– Knows names and numbers up to 10
What happens at 6 months social development?
Likes being held and played with (indiscriminate attachment still)
What happens at 3 years gross and locomotive development?
– Can steer and pedal a tricycle
– can run forwards and backwards
– Can throw and kick with approximate time
What happens at 5-8 years cognitive development?
– Able to understand and enjoy jokes or riddles
– Can do simple calculations but may need fingers or counters
– By 7, has mastered early reading and writing skills
What happens at 18 months language development?
- has around 15 words
- communicates wishes
What happens at 2 years fine motor development?
– Can draw circles and dots
– Can use a spoon effectively to feed with
– Can put on straightforward clothing such as shoes
What happens at 15 months emotional development?
- emotionally dependent on parents and key workers
- dislikes being out of sight
- May follow adults out of rooms
What happens at 0-3 months cognitive development?
At 1 month, turns head and may stop crying on hearing an adult and familiar voice
What happens at 12 months language development?
First words begin to appear alongside tuneful babbling
What happens at 18 months social development?
- imitates actions of adults
- plays alone but enjoys being with siblings and adults
What happens at 5-8 years social development?
– Understands difference between accidental and purpose behaviour
– Has strong friendship groups of same-sex
What happens at 2 1/2 years gross and locomotive development?
– Runs quickly and confidently – Can kick a large ball – May begin to use a tricycle – Walks upstairs constantly – Can jump 2 feet to 2 feet
What happens at 2 years Gross and locomotive development?
– Can run
– Climbs onto furniture
– Can use sit and ride toys
What happens at 5-8 years and emotional development?
– Enjoys having rules
– Protective towards young children
– Can stay overnight with relatives and friends
What happens at 3-4 years gross and locomotive development?
– Walks along the line
– Aims and throws ball
– Hops on one foot
What happens at 3 years cognitive development?
– Is using simple sentences
– Asks many questions
– Enjoys books and turns page
– Understands difference between past and present
What happens at 2 1/2 years social development?
Enjoys adult attention and praise
What happens at 2 1/2 years cognitive development?
– Enjoys asking questions
– Is using personal pronouns such as’ I’ instead of name
– Enjoys looking at books and may have favourites
What happens at 3 years language development?
– Speech is clear enough for someone unfamiliar with the child to understand
What happens at 3-4 years language development?
Is talking in sentences and is fluent although there are some mistakes
What happens at 4-5 years fine motor development?
– Forms letters and writes own name
– Colours in pictures
– Completes 20 piece puzzles
What happens at 4-5 years cognitive development?
– Can count objects up to 10
– Can make simple patterns
What happens at 5-8 years fine motor development?
– Cuts out shapes accurately
– Produces detailed drawing
– Can colour in
– Ties and on ties shoelaces
What happens at 4-5 years language development?
– Sentences are well constructed but mistakes remain
– Speech is used to argue with others
What happens at 5-8 years language development?
Can use language to reason and explain ideas
What happens at 3-4 years fine motor development?
– Buttons and unbuttons own clothing
– Cuts out simple shapes
– Draws a person with head, trunk and legs
What happens at 4-5 years emotional development?
– Understands the need for rules
– Starting to develop theory of mind
– Is able to separate more easily from parents
What happens at 9 months emotional development?
- wary of strangers
- prefers being with parents or key carers (specific/multiple attachments)
What happens at 9 months language development?
Begins to string syllables together to create tuneful babbling
What happens at 18 months cognitive development?
- Keen to explore and is very curious
- no longer mouths to explore objects and toys
- remembers where things belong
- Understand simple requests
What happens at 15 months language development?
- communicates by pointing and vocalising
- May have 4 to 6 words
What happens at 3 months cognitive development?
- recognises familiar routines (bath time)
What happens at 2 years cognitive development?
– Extremely curious
– Remembers where things belong and can remember past experiences
– Enjoys looking at books
– Recognises self in mirror
What happens at 3-4 years social development?
– Comforts children in distress
– Has clear friendship preferences of same-sex
What happens at 3 years emotional development?
Finds it easier to wait and understands why wishes are not automatically granted
What happens at 15 months cognitive development?
Understands and responds to simple instructions
What happens at 3 months fine motor development?
- watches hands and plays with fingers
- clasps and unclasps hands
- can hold a rattle for a moment
What happens at 3 years fine motor development?
– Washes hands with help
– Holds a crayon and draws a circle
– Established hand preference
– Tripod grasp is developing
What happens at 0-3 months in fine motor development?
Reflexes including sucking, rooting and Moro
What happens at 2 years language development?
– May have 50 words
– Is likely to be combining words
What happens at 2 years emotional development?
– Can be distracted from some early tantrums
– No understanding of waiting for needs to be met
What happens at 3 months social development?
Enjoys being held and spoken to
What happens at 3 months gross and locomotive development?
- lifts head and chest up
- waves arms and brings hands together over body
What happens at 0-3 months social development?
Smiles from 6 weeks