Milestones Flashcards
What happens at 2 1/2 years fine motor development?
– Has hand preference – can do simple jigsaw puzzles – Can pour sand and water into cups – Is starting to develop tripod grasp - Can pull down clothing such as trousers
What happens at 5-8 years gross and locomotive development?
– Hops, skips and jumps confidently
– Can balance on a beam
– Chases and dodges others
– Can use a bicycle and roller skates
What happens at 6 months fine motor development?
- can reach for a toy
- moves you from one hand to other
- puts objects into mouth
What happens at 4-5 years gross and locomotive development?
– Skips with a rope
– Runs quickly and dodges
– Throws a ball to partner and catches it
What happens at 6 months gross and locomotive development?
- moves arms to indicate they want lifting
- can roll over from back to front
What happens at 9 months fine motor development?
- can grasp an object with index finger and thumb
- can deliberately release objects by dropping them
What happens at 4-5 years social development?
– Begins to enjoy sharing with others
– Enjoys having friends and is upset if not available
What happens at 0-3 months language development?
Begins to coo at 6 weeks
What happens at 6 months language development?
Blends vowels and constants together to make babbling sounds
What happens at 9 months gross and locomotive development?
- can sit unsupported
- is likely to be mobile i.e. crawling all rolling
What happens at 12 months emotional development?
- Stays close to familiar adults
- enjoys the company of familiar adults and siblings
What happens at 3 months emotional development?
- cries when alone
- has indiscriminate attachments
What happens at 2 1/2 years language development?
– Has 200 words
– Is making simple sentences
What happens at 0-3 months emotional development?
At 1 month, focuses on human faces with interest
What happens at 18 months gross and locomotive development?
- can walk unaided
- can walk up stairs with help (2 feet per stair)
- can climb up onto toy
- can squat to pick up a toy
What happens at 6 months emotional development?
Recognises emotions in others and responds
What happens at 9 months cognitive development?
Understands some simple words such as ‘no’ and ‘bye-bye’
What happens at 12 months fine motor development?
- uses index finger and thumb (pincer grasp) to pick up small objects
- can point to things with index finger
What happens at 15 months gross and locomotive development?
- May be walking with hesitation
- May fall and also bump into furniture
- crawls upstairs
What happens at 18 months emotional development?
- emotionally dependent on parents and key workers
- wants immediate attention
What happens at 9 months social development?
Imitate others actions such as clapping or peekaboo
What happens at 2 years social development?
Plays in parallel with others but cannot share toys
What happens at 12 months cognitive development?
- understands simple instructions such as’ where’s your hat?’
- knows own name
What happens at 12 months gross and locomotive development?
- May stand alone briefly
- May walk holding onto furniture
What happens at 0-3 months gross and locomotive development?
Reflexes including sucking, rooting and Moro
What happens at 3 years social development?
– Is starting to take turns and share
– Enjoys being with other children and may have friendship preferences
– Will comfort other children
What happens at 15 months fine motor development?
- can make precise movements with pincer grasp to pick up crumbs or small objects
- grasps crayons with palmar grasp
What happens at 15 months social development?
Enjoying being played with by others
What happens at 2 1/2 years emotional development?
– Highly dependent on adults
– Can be jealous of other children gaining attention
– Has tantrums when frustrated