Milestones Flashcards
Sitting w/o support
4-9 mo.
Standing w/ assistance
5-11 mo.
Hands and knees crawling
5-14 mo.
Walking w/ assistance
6-14 mo.
Standing alone
7-17 mo.
Walking alone
Lifts head in prone, reaches for objects in supine
3 mo.
Rolls from prone to supine, sits with support from arms, holds objects with whole hand
6 mo.
Crawls and and pull to stand, can hold objects with both hands, pass objects from one hand to another
12 mo.
2 months (3)
Holds head up on tummy
Moves both arms and both legs
Opens hands briefly
4 months (2)
Holds head steady without support
Pushes onto elbows/forearms on tummy
6 months (3)
Rolls from tummy to back
Pushes up with straight arms on tummy
Leans on hands to support while sitting
9 months
Sits independently
12 months
Pulls to stand
Pincer grip
15 months (2)
Few steps independently
Uses fingers to self-feed