Milestone Development- Cognitive Skills Flashcards
Begins to develop concepts for example hunger and tiredness
Explore using senses and movement
Explores things orally ‘sensory learning’
1 month
Starts to recognise main carer
Copies facial expressions
1 month
Freezes if hears a soft sound such as a tune from a mobile
1 month
More alert
Follows objects
Recognises familiar routines
3 months
Understands cause and effect
3 months
Know to hold arms up if want to be picked up
6 months
Recognises main caters voice and will turn towards them
6 months
Knows bye, mama, dada
6 months
Tells difference between family and stranger
Recognises there name and responds when spoken too
9 months
Knows familiar games and rhymes
9 months
May start to look for hidden toys ‘object permanence’
No concept of danger
9 months
Learns through trial and error
12 months
Enjoys dropping things and watching them fall
12 months
Will repeat actions if enjoyable or fun
12 months
Can understand simple actions like wave bye bye
12 months
Interested in sight and sound of objects
Keen to explore
15 months
Still explores toys by mouthing
15 months
Memory starts to develop
18 months
Remember where things belong and where to find them
18 months
Recognises objects from books and pictures
18 months
Recognises themselves in the mirror and know it’s not another child
2 years
Remembers things that have happened in the past and shows this through action, skills, people, toys
2 years
Can point to themselves in a photo
2 years
Can complete a simple puzzle (with some help)
2 years
Begins to understand the concept of time (past and present)
3 years
Can count up to 10
3 years
Can complete a 12 piece puzzle
3 years
Can recognise and name primary colours
4 years
Understand what it means by more
4 years
Understands concept of light and heavy
4 years
Can arrange objects into categories
4 years
Can make connections between people and events
4 years
Can count to 100
5 years
Understand simple rules
5 years
Can add two sets of objects together
5 years
Can name times of day e.g. 12pm is lunch time, 7pm is bed time, 6am is morning etc
5 years
Can match objects
5 years
Recognises objects up to 100 and do simple calculations
6 years
Develop understanding of length, distance, time and weight
6 years
Are able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality
6 years
Understands basic scientific principles
Can be reasoned with
6 years
Express themselves
7 years
Use computer mouse and keyboard
7 years
Perform simple calculations in head
7 years
Do a simple maze showing simple logic
8 years
‘Conserve’ numbers e.g. know there are still 10 sweets even if they are split into two piles
8 years
Tell the time
Understands and uses rules
8 years
Enjoys learning about the world around them
8 years