Mild Interventions/Praxis II Flashcards
In this federal law, funds were provided specifically for students considered economically disadvantaged, limited English proficient or disabled if also identified as gifted and talented
Jacob K Javitis
Define language
systematic use of sounds, signs or written symbols for the purpose of communication or expression.
Define receptive language
ability to understand and comprehend information that is presented.
Define expressive language
Ability to communicate thoughts, feelings, ideas through words gestures, signs, etc.
Define articulation
Using movements of the mouth area to make speech sounds
Define pragmatics
Knowledge of successful and appropriate language use, such as in conversation
Define semantics
Meanings that language communicates that governs vocabulary development.
Define syntax
System of combining words into sentences with rules that govern how words work together in phrases, clauses, and sentences.
Define gross-motor skills
Large muscle movement such as in the torso, neck, arms and legs.
Define fine motor skills
Small muscle movement of hands, fingers, toes and face.
Define sensory-intergration
Use of sensory information such as tactile, vestibular and proprioceptive.
Define perceptual motor
How muscles coordinate movements with the information received through the environment by the senses.
Define extinction
A reinforcement for previously reinforced behavior is withheld, so the behavior will decrease until it no longer exists.
Define maintenance
The extent that a previously learned behavior continues after the intervention to support it has ended.
What are some qualifications for gifted and talented?
Intelligence rate two standard deviations above the norm. High ability in specific areas, creative thinking. 10-15 percent of the school population.
What age group does Part B of IDEA focus on? Part C?
Part B 3-21
Part C: Early intervention (birth to 3)
State what happened in Mill vs. Board of Education
School finances cannot be the reason for lack of programs for students with disabilities.
State what happened in Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens v. Commonwealth of PA
Established the right for all children with MR to a free public education.
State what happened in Larry P. vs Riles
Ruled IQ tests could not used as the primary or sole basis of placing a child in special programs.
State what happened in Board of Education of the Hudson School District v. Rowley
Upheld that each child with a disability has a right to an individualized program and supportive services when deemed appropriate and necessary.
State what happened in Timothy vs. Rochester School District
Upheld that all children with disabilities must be provided FAPE without exception.
Describe the ecological theory
Based on the study of how humans develop within their specific environments: home, school. community.
Define coordination
Simple form of collaboration that includes communication, cooperation so student services are ensured delivery. Professionals may not directly share expertise, but do share updates on the progress of the student.
Define consultation
The process by which professionals work with one another by directly communicating and sharing expertise to improve services for students.
Define multidisciplinary team
Professionals with defined roles, working independent of one another. Separate assessments and services delivered.
Define interdisciplinary team
Conduct independent assessments, but work to promote teamwork and collaboration. Conduct formal meeting and plan interventions for the success of the student.
Define transdisciplinary team
Delivers services in an integrated approach, share roles and responsibilities implementing services and programs and include the family at every step.
Define accommodations
Instructional supports or services necessary to access instruction or the learning environment. Do not change the curriculum, provide equal opportunity.
Define modifications
Instructional supports and services that include actual changes to the curriculum, environment, expectations, based on student’s ability.
Define adaptations
Instructional supports and services from Section 504.
What are the seven components of the IEP?
- Goals and Objectives
- Description of method to measure progress
- Related services, supplementary aids, and services
- Involvement in general education
- Accommodations for district testing
- Description of date, frequency, location and duration of services.
What is the cloze procedure?
The use of semantics and syntactic clues to aid in completing sentences.
Define augmentative and alternative communication
A set of strategies that aid in a student to meet communication needs through symbols and other transmission devices.
Define augmentative technology
Supports students with oral language problems
Define facilitated communication
A type of communication in which a person provides assistance to a student by pointing to letters or symbols.
Define instructional technology
Provides drill and practice for students who have problems in basic skill areas and with motivational issues.
What are the seven steps in the assessment process?
- Prereferral
- Screening
- Referral
- Evaluation and identification
- Instructional program planning
- Placement
- Review and Evaluation
What is the difference between an achievement test and an aptitude test?
An achievement test looks at a student’s knowledge and proficiency in one subject area, aptitude test is a norm-referenced test to see a student’s ability to acquire skills and knowledge.
What is a sheltered English program?
The sheltered English approach is one that ensures students understand the content while expanding their English language development. All instruction is in English to promote the development of the English language proficiency, and grade-level content is modified according to the student’s understanding.
What is Indiana’s law for a new student that enrolls with an IEP?
According to Indiana’s Article 7, if a student with a disability moves from another school district or state, the school must hold a CCC meeting within 10 school days of the date the student enrolls. The CCC will meet to create an IEP that addresses the student’s needs.