Miladys Final Study Guide (expression) Flashcards
Nerve tissue carries messages to the brain and is made up of special cells known as neurons
The cells of all living things are composed of a substance called protoplasm
The cranium is made up of eight bones
The largest and strongest bone of the face that forms the lower jaw is the maxillae
The smaller bone in the forearm on the same side as the thumb is the radius
After four years of college you can become a dermatologist
The skin of an average adult weighs about 6 to 9 pounds
The highly sensitive dermis layer of connective tissue is about 10 times thicker than the epidermis
Melanin provides the skin with enough sun protection to prevent skin damage
Cosmetologist refers clients with medical issues to dermatologist more than any other type of physician
Acne is also know. As sebaceous vulgaris
The cause of Rosacea is unknown
Nearly 60 percent of aging is caused by the rays of the sun
The trick in preventing occupational contact dermatitis is to use gloves or utensils when. Working with irritating chemicals.
The most common form of hair removal in salons and spas is waxing
Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal service commonly offered in salons
Shaving does not cause the hair to grow thicker or stronger
It’s a good idea to perform your cleaning and disinfection procedures in the presences of your clients
Moisturizers for oily ski. Generally contain grater amounts of emollient
A paraffin wax mask produces a gradual increase In temperature that reaches approximately 105 degrees Fahrenheit
Fulling is a form or pétrissage In which the tissue is grasped, gently, lifted and spread out
Hacking is a form of mechanical exfoliation usually administered after or during steam
When the correct foundation color is used and blended well, a clear line of demarcation should be visible
Translucent powders do not add color when applied directly from the container unless it belongs to the client
Which of the following is also know. As a microscopic anatomy?
The protoplasm of a cell that surrounds the nucleus is the
The phase of metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within cells Into smaller ones is
The tissue the binds together , protects, and supports parts of the body is
Connective tissue
Structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals are
The physical foundations of the body consisting of bones connected by joints is the
The facial skeleton has how many bones?
The bones the forms the back of the skull above the napes is the
The none the forms the forehead is the
Two bones the form the sides of the head in the ear region are the
Temporal bones
The bones that joins all of the bones of the cranium together is the
The cheekbones are also called malar bones or…
Zygomatic bones
The elastic, bony cage that acts as a protective frame work for the heart and lungs is the..
The uppermost and largest bone of the arm, extending from the elbow to the shoulders is the
The inner and larger bone of the forearm, attached at the wrist and located on the side of the little fingers is the ?
The bones in the fingers or digits are called
The heavy, long bone that forms the leg above the knee is called the
The ankle joint is composed of how many bones
The part of the muscle at the movable attachment to the skeleton is the?
The muscle of the scalp that raises the eyebrows, draws the scalp forward, and causes wrinkles across the forehead is the?
The muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head is the ?
The ring muscle of the eye socket that enables you to close your eyes is the
Orbicularis oculi
The muscle that draws the eyebrows down and wrinkles the forehead vertically is the
Corrugator muscle
The muscle that covers the back of the neck and upper and middle region of the back is the.
Extensor muscle that turns the hand inward so the palm faces downward are
Muscles that separate the fingers are
The nervous system that controls the voluntary functions of the five senses is the
Which nerve supplies impulses to the skin on the outer side and back of the foot and leg?
Sural nerve
Ductless glands that release secretion of hormones directly into the bloodstream are?
Endocrine glandS
Insulin, adrenaline, and estrogen are examples of.
Spongy tissues composed of microscopic cells I which inhaled air is exchanged for carbon dioxide during one breathing cycles are?
The word integument means
Natural covering
The medical branch of science that deals with the study of the skin, it’s functions and disease, is?
All of the following are appendages of the skin except
Pineal gland
Continued pressure on any part of the ski causes it to thicken and develop into a
The outermost and thinnest layer of the skin is the
The epidermis layer of the ski. Is also known as the
Cuticle layer
The clear, transparent layer just under the stratum corneum that consists of small cells through which light can pass is the
Stratum lucidum
The deepest layer of the epidermis the basal cell layer is also know as the
Stratum germinativum
The stratum germinativum is composed of serval layers with special cells that produce a dark skin pigment called
The underlying of inner layer of the skin, which is also called the derma Corium, cutis, or true skin, is the
The muscle that causes goose bumps when a person is frightened or cold is the
Arrector pili muscle
The dermis layer is made up of two layers, which are the
Papillary and reticular
The top of the papillary layer where it joins the epidermis is the
Epidermal- dermal junction
The deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients is the
Reticular layer
Fatty tissue found below the dermis is
Subcutaneous tissue
The melanin produced by the body that is red to yellow In color is
When sebum hardens and the sebaceous duct becomes clogged, the pores impaction that is formed is a
Which of the following is a function of the skin?
All answers are correct
Which vitamin enables the body to properly absorb and use calcium?
Vitamin D
A freckle is an example of a mark on the skin called a
A larger blister containing a watery fluid is a
A larger sore bump that does not have a head of pus is a
An abnormal cell mass that varies in size, color. And shape is a
Lesions of the skin characterized by piles of material on the skin surface are
Secondary skin lesions