Milady Chapter 11 Flashcards
The scientific Study of hair and its disease and care is called ____
[Greek word - Trichos]
A mature Strand of human hair is divided into two parts called ____
The hair root and hair shaft
Part of hair located BELOW the surface of the epidermis
Hair root
The portion of the hair that projects ABOVE the epidermis
Hair shaft
Tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that contain the hair root
Hair follicle
Lowest part of a hair strand. It is the thickened, club-shaped structure.
Hair bulb
Small, cone-shaped elevation located at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb
Dermal papilla
Small, involuntary muscle in the base of the hair follicle
(Results in what we call “goose bumps”)
Arrector pili muscle
Oil glands.
These glands secrete a fatty or oily substance called sebum, sebum lubricates the skin.
Sebaceous glands
Did you know??
Your body can naturally produce 11 of the 20 amino acids that make up hair, but your daily diet must include a variety of foods that supply the remaining 9 essential amino acids that the hair & scalp need.
The outermost layer of the hair. (Provides a barrier that protects the inner structure of the hair)
Hair cuticle
Fibrous protein core formed by elongated cells containing melanin pigment. (90% of the total weight of hair comes from the cortex)
The innermost layer of the hair & is composed of round cells . (Only thick, coarse hair contains medulla)
As soon as these living calls form, they begin their journey upward through the hair follicle. They mature in a process called ___?
As these newly formed cells mature, they fill up with a fibrous protein called?
Hair is approximately 90% protein.
COHNS elements
Carbon 51%, Oxygen 21%, Hydrogen 6%, Nitrogen 17%, & Sulfur 5%
Amino acids Proteins are made of long chains of amino acids, units that are joined together end-to -end like pop beads
Amino acids
Strong, chemical bond that joins amino acids, also known as “end bond”
Peptide bond
A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
Polypeptide chain
Long, coiled complex polypeptides made of amino acids.
The spiral shape of a coiled protein. This is created when polypeptide chains intertwine with each other.
Hydrogen bond
A weak, physical, cross-link side bond that is easily broken by water & heat
Salt bond
A weak,physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains. Salt bonds depend on pH so they are easily broken by strong alkaline or acidic solutions
Disulfide bond
A strong, chemical, side bond that is very different from the physical side bond. They aren’t broken by water, they are broken by permanent waves & chemical relaxers.
The disulfide bond joins the sulfur atoms of two neighboring cysteine amino acids to create one cystine
Hydroxide chemical hair relaxers break disulfide bonds & then convert them to __ when the relaxers is rinsed from the hair
The tiny grains of pigment in the cortex that give natural color to the hair. Two types of melanin are:
Provides natural dark brown to black color to the hair & brunette hair
The lighter pigment that provides natural colors ranging from red & ginger to yellow & blonde tones
Wave pattern
The shape of the hair strand
(Curly hair is oval shape)
Vellus hair
Also know as “lanugo hair”, is short, fine, unpigmented, & downy hair that appears on the body. It is commonly found on infants & can be present on children until puberty
Terminal hair
Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on scalp, legs, arms,& bodies of males & females
Anagen phase
Also know as growth phase. (About 90% of scalp hair is growing in the anagen phase at any time)
Catagen phase
The brief transition period between growth and resting phases. (1% of scalp hair is in this phase at any time)
Telogen phase
Also know as resting phase . The final phase. (Little less than 10% of scalp hair in this phase)
Hair loss cause
Average rate of hair loss is closer to 35/40 hairs per day
Abnormal hair loss
Alopecia areata
An autoimmune disorder
This hair disorder usually begins with one or more small, round, smooth, bald patches on the scalp & can progress to total hair loss
Alopecia totalis
Complete body hair loss
Alopecia universalis
Postpartum Alopecia
Temporary hair loss experienced at the end of a pregnancy for some woman
Technical term for gray hair
Ringed hair
Characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair
A condition of abnormal hair growth
Technical term for spilt ends
Term for knotted hair
Term for beaded hair
Fragilitas crinium
Term for brittle hair
Term for dandruff
Dandruff is the result of a fungus called ___
Pityriasis capitis simplex
Term for classic dandruff (scalp irritation, large flakes, & itchy scalp)
Pityriasis steatiodes
More severe case of danseurs (greasy or waxy scales, mixed with sebum, that stick to the scalp in crust)
Term for ringworm
Tinea capitis
Ringworm of the scalp
Tinea favosa
Also known as “tinea favus” is characterized by dry, sulfur-yellow, cup like crusts on the scalp called scutula.
Pediculosis capitis
Infestation of head lice
Term for a boil, an acute, localized bacterial infection
An inflammation of the subcutaneous.
Hair texture
It’s classified as coarse, medium, or fine. Hair on the nape, crown, temples, & front hairline of the same person may have different textures
Hair density
Measures the number of individuals hairs on scalp
Hair porosity
Ability to absorb moisture.
Healthy hair with a compact cuticle layer is naturally resistant to being penetrated by moisture & is referred to as ____
Porous hair has a raised cuticle layer that easily absorbs moisture & is called ___
Hair elasticity
Ability of hair to stretch and returns to normal . Wet hair with normal elasticity will stretch up to 50%
Dry hair stretches to 20%
Hair stream
Hair flowing in the same direction
Dry hair and scalp
This should be treated with products that contain moisturizers and emollients