Mikrobio weekly questions Flashcards
What is the typical size range of prokaryotic microorganisms?
0,2 um – 300 um
Bakteria’s Genome
Usually circular DNA
Usually one chromosome
Usually lack introns
Archaea’s Genome
Usually circular DNA
Usually one chromosome
A few introns
Eukayotes Genome
Linear DNA
Multiple chromosomes, in pairs
Most genes have introns
Location of DNA in Bacteria
Nucleoid region in cytoplasma
Location of DNA in Archea
Nucleoid region in cytoplasma
Location of DNA in Eukaryotes
Contained within membrane enclosed nucleus
Bakteria’s cell membrane
Straight-chain fatty acids ester-linked to glycerol
Archaea’s cell membrane
Branched-chain fatty acids ether-linked to glycerol. Branches limits the movement of the hydrocarbon chains and thereby strengthen the membrane
Eukaryotes Cell membrane
Straight-chain fatty acids ester-linked to glycerol
Bakteriea Cell wall
Usually present, composed of peptidoglycan
Achaea’s cell wall
If present composed of proteins or pseudopeptidoglycan
Eukaryotes cell wall
If present composed of cellulose (algae) or chitin (fungi)
bakteria internal membranes
May have energy transducing lamellae
Achaeaøs internal membranes
Eukaryotes internal membranes
Extensive membranous organelles
How do you determine that a certain bacterium is the causing agent of a disease?
1: Mikroorganismen må nødvendigvis forefindes i rigelige mængder i alle organismer, der lider af sygdommen, men ikke i raske organismer.
2: Mikroorganismen må nødvendigvis isoleres fra den syge organisme og dyrkes i en renkultur.
3: Den kultiverede mikroorganisme bør forårsage sygdom, når den introduceres i en rask organisme.
4: Mikroorganismen må nødvendigvis genisoleres fra den podede, syge testvært og identificeres som værende identisk med den originale specifikke patogen.
What is a psychrophile, a mesophile, a hyperthermophile?
Bakterier der kan leve I hendholdsvis koldt miljø(4 grader)(psychrophile) mellemgrader (37 – mesophile) og varmt (80-120 – hyperthermophile)
Hvad kaldes bakterier der kan leve ved, lave, middel og høje temperature?
Bakterier der kan leve I hendholdsvis koldt miljø(4 grader)(psychrophile) mellemgrader (37 – mesophile) og varmt (80-120 – hyperthermophile)
How can you sterilize the surface of a bench, a solution containing a drug compound, empty glass bottles?
70% ethanol, steril filtration, autoclaves.
If you get a culture of an unknown microorganism, how would you start to characterize it?
I would start with two samples: one with oxic conditions, one with anoxic condition. Then I would check for endospores by heating the samples. From this point I would try different medias e.g. lactose, sulfur etc. to narrow down the species. Check their shape and colony size and shape. Motility.
How can bacterial cells regulate that they swim towards an attractant?
Bakterier har flagellar, der gør det muligt for dem at svømme. Archaea har også flagellar, men disse er kaldt Archaella.
Andre bakterier kan glide, her er der forskellige mekanismer der gør de kan dette.
Andre bakterier bevæger sig mod lys eller mod ”kemi” dette er kaldt chemotaxis og phototaxis.
Hvad er mekanismen bag chemotaxis
A methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein (MCP) is embedded in the bacterias periplasm, cell membrane and cytoplasm. In the cytoplasmic part of the MCP is CheW and CheA kinase located. When there is no attractant present, CheA kinase phosphorylates CheY which then makes the flagellum turn clockwise = tumble. When an attractant is present it will bind to MCP which inactivates CheA, CheZ dephosphorylates CheY-p which makes the rotor turn counter clockwise. CheR methylates MCP which makes it desensitized towards the attractant. CheA is reactivated and the cell tumbles. In the absence of attractant CheB-P resets the rotor be demethylating the MCP.
What is a spore and what does it contain?
Meget anderledes celler strukturer der er resistente over for varme, stråling og hårde kemikalier. Endosporer er overlevelses strukturer ved dårlige vækst betingelser.
De indeholder: yderste lag kaldes exosporium som er et tyndt protein, under dette findes der flere spore coats som også består af proteiner. Under spore coaten finds cortex som indeholder cross-linked peptidoglycan. Inde i cortex findes core der indeholder en core væg, cytoplasmic membran, cytoplasma, nucleoid (bakteriers celle kerne) ribosomer. Derudover findes der også dipicolinic syrer. De indeholder meget ca+2, skaber forbindelse med dipicolinic syrer.
Bacillus og clostridium laver begge endosporer
How do the cell envelopes of a Gram + and a Gram - bacterium differ?
The gram positive has several layers of peptidoglycan and an S layer – this makes a very thick cell wall. The peptidoglycan monomers are connected by teichoic acids. Attached to the S-layer is glycosyl-chains.
The gram negative has a very thin wall with only 1-2 layers of peptidoglycan. They have two membranes an inner membrane (the cell membrane) and an outer membrane. The outer membrane has porins incorporated and LPS attached. Lippoproteins connect the peptidoglycan to the outer membrane.
How is the archaeal cell envelope different from the one found in bacteria? Describe the features/structures that you can find.
I stedet for peptidpglycan har nogle archaeal celler pseudomurein. Andre mangler og har istedet polysacarider. Den mest almindelige celle væg hos archaeal er s-layer. S-layer består af sammenlåsende molekyler af proteiner og glykoprotein.
A microbe has only cellulose as organic substrate available. What different processes need to take place so that the microbe can gain energy and produce biomass?
Cellulose needs to be hydrolysed first into oligosaccharides, then to disaccharides and then to monosaccharides which can enter the central catabolic pathways e.g. glycolysis.
What are the differences between anaerobic respiration and fermentation?
Fermentation er en form for anarobiske metabolisme hvor organiske componenter både donerer og optager elektroner, og det er dermed ikke nødvendigt med en udfrakommende electron acceptor. Hvorimod ved respiration bliver en organisk eller uorganisk electron doner oxiderert med et andet component.
What are the differences between anaerobic respiration and fermentation?
Both reactions begin in the same way as aerobic respiration, they start with the glycolysis yielding 2 ATP from a carbon molecule and producing puryvate. Fermentations end product is either lactic acid or ethanol according to the type of fermentation and do not continue in the TCA or the ETS. Because of the lack of electron acceptor, the electrons need to be placed which they do during the electron shuttle NADH needs to be oxidized to NAD+ to carry electrons. The anaerobic respiration continues in the TCA and the ETS but has a different terminal electron acceptor and the terminal oxidase differs according to the terminal electron acceptor. Thus anaerobic respiration yields more energy than fermentation. Facultative anaerobes mean when oxygen is present, they have aerobic respiration but in lack of oxygen they use anaerobic respiration or fermentation.
How does ATP get re-generated?
When one molecule of ATP is used in the contraction process, it is hydrolyzed to ADP, adenosine diphosphate, and an inorganic phosphate. … In the process of regeneration of ATP, creatine phosphate transfers a high-energy phosphate to ADP. The products of this reaction are ATP and creatine.