Mihimihi - Greetings for speech Flashcards
Ngā mihi o te ata mārie.
Tēnā koutou katoa.
Good morning to you all.
Greetings to you all.
Kua hui mai nei i tēnei wā, tēnā koutou. (hui, karapine, rauika, tae)
Who have gathered here today, thank you.
(all the 4 words mean to gather) we can use any of them
Ko te mihi tautahi ki ngā Atua, tēnā koutou.
First, I would like to thank our māori gods, thank you all.
- Ko te mihi tuarua ki te kaiako, Chyna-Maree, tēnā koe.
2. Ko te mihi tuarua ki a koe (insert name of person), tēnā koe.
3. Ko te mihi tuarua ki a koe (insert name of person) i tuku karakia mā tātou i te ata (mārie, rā, or pō) nei, tēnā koe.
- Secondly, I would like to thank the tutor, thank you.
- Secondly, I would like to thank (insert name of person), thank you.
- Secondly, I would like to thank (insert name of person) for saying our prayer for us this (morning, afternoon, or evening), thank you.
- Ko te mihi tuitoru ki a koutou katoa, e tautoko ana i te ako i te reo māori i tēnei (ata, rā, or pō) tēnā koutou.
- Ko te mihi tuitoru ki ngā ākonga o te kura nei, tēnā koutou.
- Ko te mihi tautoru ki a koutou e hoa mā, tēnā koutou.
4. Ko te mihi tuatoru ki a koutou katoa, tēnā koutou.
- Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who is here (morning, afternoon, or evening) to learn te reo māori, thank you all.
- Lastly, I would like to thank all the students of this course, thank you all.
- Lastly, I would like to thank my friends, thank you all.
- Lastly, I would like to thank you all, thank you.
Nō Marika ahau.
I am from America.
Nō Tiamani ōkū tīpuna.
My ancestors are from Germany.
I tipu ake au i South Carolina, Penehiwēnia, me Florida.
I grew up in South Carolina me Pennsylvania me Florida.
He kaitōtui au.
I am a conductor.
He ika tāku tino kai.
Fish is my favourite food.
He kahurangi tāku tino tae.
Blue is my favourite colour.
Kei Te Whanganui-ā-Tara au e noho ana.
I live in Wellington.
Ko Stamper te iwi.
Stamper is my tribe/origin.
Ko Mark Stamper ahau.
I am Mark Stamper.
Kei te hia tuku mihi ki ngā manawhenua o te rohe nei ki a Kaukau maunga, Kaiwharawhara awa me Te Atiawa iwi.
I would like to give thanks to the Kaukau mountain, Kaiwharawhara river, and Ngāti Raukawa tribe of this region.