Mihimihi - Greetings for speech Flashcards
Ngā mihi o te ata mārie.
Tēnā koutou katoa.
Good morning to you all.
Greetings to you all.
Kua hui mai nei i tēnei wā, tēnā koutou. (hui, karapine, rauika, tae)
Who have gathered here today, thank you.
(all the 4 words mean to gather) we can use any of them
Ko te mihi tautahi ki ngā Atua, tēnā koutou.
First, I would like to thank our māori gods, thank you all.
- Ko te mihi tuarua ki te kaiako, Chyna-Maree, tēnā koe.
2. Ko te mihi tuarua ki a koe (insert name of person), tēnā koe.
3. Ko te mihi tuarua ki a koe (insert name of person) i tuku karakia mā tātou i te ata (mārie, rā, or pō) nei, tēnā koe.
- Secondly, I would like to thank the tutor, thank you.
- Secondly, I would like to thank (insert name of person), thank you.
- Secondly, I would like to thank (insert name of person) for saying our prayer for us this (morning, afternoon, or evening), thank you.
- Ko te mihi tuitoru ki a koutou katoa, e tautoko ana i te ako i te reo māori i tēnei (ata, rā, or pō) tēnā koutou.
- Ko te mihi tuitoru ki ngā ākonga o te kura nei, tēnā koutou.
- Ko te mihi tautoru ki a koutou e hoa mā, tēnā koutou.
4. Ko te mihi tuatoru ki a koutou katoa, tēnā koutou.
- Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who is here (morning, afternoon, or evening) to learn te reo māori, thank you all.
- Lastly, I would like to thank all the students of this course, thank you all.
- Lastly, I would like to thank my friends, thank you all.
- Lastly, I would like to thank you all, thank you.
Nō Marika ahau.
I am from America.
Nō Tiamani ōkū tīpuna.
My ancestors are from Germany.
I tipu ake au i South Carolina, Penehiwēnia, me Florida.
I grew up in South Carolina me Pennsylvania me Florida.
He kaitōtui au.
I am a conductor.
He ika tāku tino kai.
Fish is my favourite food.
He kahurangi tāku tino tae.
Blue is my favourite colour.
Kei Te Whanganui-ā-Tara au e noho ana.
I live in Wellington.
Ko Stamper te iwi.
Stamper is my tribe/origin.
Ko Mark Stamper ahau.
I am Mark Stamper.
Kei te hia tuku mihi ki ngā manawhenua o te rohe nei ki a Kaukau maunga, Kaiwharawhara awa me Te Atiawa iwi.
I would like to give thanks to the Kaukau mountain, Kaiwharawhara river, and Ngāti Raukawa tribe of this region.
Kei te taha o tōku māmā. Ko Virgie rāua ko Leroy ōku mātua tīpuna. Kei te taha o tōku pāpā. Ko Loma rāua ko Frank ōku mātua tīpuna.
Virgie and Leroy are my grandparents. Loma and Frank are my grandparents.
Ko Linda tōku māmā. Ko Frank tōku pāpā.
Linda is my mother. Frank is my father.
Ko Mark ahau. Ko Hauauru taku hoa tāne.
Mark is my name. Hauauru is my partner.
Tokorua aku tamariki. Ko Lauren rāua ko Kaitlyn āku tamariki. Ko Lauren te mātāmua. Ko Kaitlyn te pōtiki.
I have two children. Lauren and Kaitlyn are my children. Lauren is the oldest. Kaitlyn is the youngest.
Ko Hannah rāua ko Addi āku mokopuna. Ko Hannah te mātāmua. Ko Addi te pōtiki.
Hannah and Addi are my grandchildren. Hannah is the oldest. Addi is the youngest.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Thank you all, thank you all, thank you all!