Migration EQ4 (8B.4) Flashcards
what are the characteristics of nationalism ?
- sports
- education
- values
- politics
- respect and loyalty
how can sport boost nationalism ?
global competitions such as the Olympics can increase a sense of nationalism for example team GB athletes wrapping themselves in their flag. Also for the home nation it is a chance to display their identity to the world such a in the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony.
how does the education system increase national identity ?
national values can be taught in the education system for example in the UK British values of democracy, individual liberty and mutual respect are taught.
how can politics influence national identity ?
politicians often try to promote the countries image and may want to transform it for example Tony Blair attempting to make Britain look young and creative to the outside world.
what did UK census data in 2011 reveal about peoples sense of national identity ?
- ethnic minorities identified ad being British more than other groups such as 60% of Sikhs identifying as British
- White British people identified more as English rather than British
- white other e.g eastern European identified the least with national identity
- the younger generations where more British than the older ones
how does the EU study display the nationalism that still exists in a globalised world ?
in a survey it found that only 2% of EU citizens identified as EU only whilst 40% identified as only their nationality and 45% as as nationality first and European second. This shows that even with the interconnectedness of the EU people still feel a strong connection with the their nation.
what is media plurality ?
one company owning the forms of media
how has the idea of ‘made in Britain’ been challenged by globalisation ?
British companies such as HP sauce are no longer made in Britain with HP sauce owned by Heinz and Cadbury now American owned
how has national ownership effected culture in London ?
foreign nationals are buying London homes (£100 billion owned) which often sit empty most the year. This leads to a loss of culture as areas become gentrified as the houses sit empty. This also has led to rising house prices meaning Londoners themselves cant buy property. The Qatari government own the most property estimated at around £1 billion.
how have Disney created media plurality in China ?
they have set up Chinese radio stations and 140 learning centres that teach English. Also they own other TV and Newspaper companies.
how can TNCs influence life in countries ?
American fruit company Chiquita owned 50% of land in Honduras so can have a huge impact in how they live and can boost socio-economic growth. However when they leave the area can be in decline e.g the loss of TATA steel in the UK
what are the 2 main things that can slow down cultural unification ?
- demographic differences
2. lack of resources which could cause conflict
why is there a desire for separation in Catalonia ?
They have a strong sense of identity with history dating back 1,000 years. They also are the wealthiest region in Spain and they provide 20% of the countries wealth. They feel as though the poorer regions are a burden and they want separation.
how has there been progress towards Catalonian independence ?
- 1.5 million demonstrated in 2012 to campaign for a referendum
- they already have some devolved powers such as healthcare, education and policing
- pro-independence parties held a majority in the regional elections
how do the conditions of Catalonian independence still reflect a globalised world ?
they still want to remain in EU trade bloca after which shows that although they are strong nationalists they still encourage a connected world.
why has there been rising tensions in emerging countries ?
countries such as the BRICS nations have seen increased inequality over the past years and this creates political and social tensions between communities
how has development lead to inequality in South Africa ?
the opening up of their markets to the outside has meant that the income of white households is six times higher than black ones. Although overall the country has advanced with more people having completed higher education today the black community still sits at the “bottom of the rung” according to president Zuma.
why have their been political tensions in Brazil in recent years ?
in 2015-16 there where widespread protests to corruption in Brazil. The president was charged with corruption and then his successor was also charged with corruption leading to mass protests.
what is a failed state ?
a state whose political or economic system has become so weak the government no longer has control
why might national identities in failed states be different to other countries ?
they simply have other things to think of due to the war and conflict that may occur there. They therefore simply don’t have the time to acknowledge national identity.
how has Syria become a failed state ?
the handling of power to family and friends and corruption has meant that in the past a small group of people had all the wealth in the country and ruled over everyone. Civil war developed due to this and today there are many groups fighting for control including IS Jihadist groups, The government, Kurds and other religious groups.
how has civil war effected Syria ?
- 500,000 people are dead and millions have fled the country
- Aleppo which was once the financial centre is in ruins
- the country is ethnically divided between Sunni Arabs, Alawis, Christians, Kurds and Druze