Migration Flashcards
Define Migrant
People who more their permanent residence from one country to another.
Define economic migrant
Someone who has emigrated from one region to another fro better employment importunities or an improved financial position.
Define Refuge
A person who has moved outside of their own country of nationality or usual dominance due to genuine fear of death
Define an irregular ot illegal migrant
A person who enters and remains in a country without a valid visa or permit from that country, or who has overstayed the duration of a visa that has been granted or those who’s visa has been cancelled.
Define long-term migration
A person who moves to a country other than their own for a period of at least one year
Define short term migrant
A person who moves for at least three months but shorter than one year
What does the term natural change refer to?
Either Natural increase (crude birth rate>crude death rate) or natural decrease (crude birth rate
What does Net migration refer to?
The difference between the total numbers of immigrants and emigrants for a particular country.
Explain Ravenstains migration theory.
He found that
- Most migrants move a short distance
- migration occurs in a series of steps or staged
- As well as movement to a large cities there is movement away from them
- Long distance migrants are more likely to go to large cities
- Urban dwellers are less migratory than rural dwellers
- women are more migratory than men over short distances
- migration increases with advances in technology
What does Zipf’s inverse Distance Law State
That the volume of migration is inversely proportional to the distance travelled.
Explain Lee’s PERCEIVED Push and Pull factor model
Push factors- These are negative factors which operate in a migrants current location e.g. a lack of jobs, expensive housing, persecution.
Pull factors- These are perceived advantages of a potential destination with attracts migrants. stable political systems, a higher paid wage, transport links.
What is the Neoclassical Economic Theory
The most significant push/pull factor are wage differences. therefore migration tends to flow from low-wage areas to high-wage areas
What is the Dual Labour market theory.
That migration is mainly caused by pull factors in more developed countries. Migrant workers are needed to fill the lowest valued jobs because the native population doesn’t wish to do this work.
What is the New Economics of Labour Migration
The migration flows and patterns cannot be explained solely at the level of individual workers and the push and pull factors that incentivise migration. For example an impoverished household or wider social group can improve its condition through remittances sent back by family members who participate in migration labour abroad.
What is the Relative Deprivation Theory
States that awareness of the income difference between neighbours in a source community is an important factor in migration. Successful migrants may use their new affluence to provide for better schooling for their children and better homes for their families. Successful high-skilled emigrants may serve as an example for neighbours and potential migrants who hope to achieve that level of success.
What is the World Systems Theory
Looks at migration from a global perspective. Trade with one country, which causes economic decline in another, may create incentives to migrate to a country with a more vibrant economy. It can be argued that even after decolonisation, the economic dependence of former colonies still remains on mother countries, encouraging migration along traditional routes. However, some disagree, arguing that free trade can reduce migration by relocation production from high wage economies to lower wage.
What political factors explain some migrant flows in the EU
The Scchebgan Agreement
The expansion of the EU to incline the E8 countries
What are the main reasons for ultra-regional migrant flows?
Economic- employment opportunities, high wage, better standard of living, relative ease of return to the home country after earning a higher wage for a few years
What are migrant remittances?
Private funds sent by economic migrants usually back to their families who remain in the country of origin.
What is the HDI?
Composite index which is the UNs measure of development based on economic and social factors
What percent of all Polish migrants to the UK are of working age?
What is the equation for international migration?
Population change= (births-deaths) +- international migration
Give an example of inter-regional migration
Movement between Africa and Europe
Give examples of some push factors in the Middle East and Africa
War- uprooted 5.5 million people in Africa and elsewhere in the first 6 months of 2013
Economic chaos
War and human rights absuse
conflict and civil breakdown in Libya
Give examples of intervening obstacles for migration from the Middle East to Europe
Laws and borders
Pull factors of Southern Europe
Larger scale of development
more job opportunities
lack od dear
Ethiopia received US$378m in remittances
In 2012 how many people migrated within the EU
1.7 million
What is the main motive for migration within the EU
Economic e.g. Polish migrants moving to the UK- 2013 apron 660,000 poles living in the UK
What percent of A8 workers that came to the Uk where ages 18-34
What percent of A8 migrants had dependents in the UK with them
What was the unemployment rate in Poland?
19.1% ONE IN FIVE 2004
What do figures in the migrant remittances table show?
Acs with higher HDI have lower percent of GDP made up of remittences. and vice verca, however, not all poor countries receive large migrant remittances. e.g. Sudan only 6% of GDP are remittances.
List ways that global migration can promote stability.
Migrant remittances are a source of foreign exchange- economic stability- multiplier effect
Returning migrants bring new skills and ideas e.g. democracy and gender equality
Ageing population an influx of young working population can contribute to a more balanced age structure
List ways that global migration can promote economic growth
GDP and tax base of the host nation can be boosted by working migrants
Migrants are consumers- multiplier effect
Migrants can fill skill gaps e.g. Doctors, plumbing and farming
Migrant remittances can supplement household income- multiplier effect
List the ways global migration can improve development
Skills and knowledge brought by returning migrants
migrants can create networks which ease the flow of skill, financial resources through the diaspora,
UN migration and development projects- bottom up method
How can global migration cause inequalities?
Countries of origin lose a proportion of the young population- may contribute to downward economic spiral
Better educated migrate- brain drain
Migrant remittences can increase inequities between families who receive them and those who do not
How can global migration cause conflict?
Social conflict can develop between host and newcomers- hard to integrate
Immigrant population can place pressure on services in the area e.g. teaching in slough
International borders can be areas of conflict for border control
How can global migration cause injustice?
Violation of human rights- exploitation
Treatment of asylum seekers can include being held in detention centres, injustice on both sides
Syrian refugees conflict for food, shelter etc while also clashing with locals e.g. Calais
What has economic globalisation lead to?
Economic globalisation leading to the emergence of new source areas and host destinations.
Migration of highly skilled workers from China, India and Brazil to the USA.
This flow includes highly skilled workers and graduates especially in Science, maths and tech and those in professional business services, attracted by high salaries and the quality of life.
Migration of workers from India, Bngladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, the Philippines and Indonesia to oil-producing Gulf states and Saudi Arabia.
Attracted by increased demand for labour, relatively high wages, ease of retuning formal remittances, accommodation and improved transport and communication.
How many workers have died in the production of the studio for the 2022 World Cup?
1,200, estimated the figure will be above 4,000
How much did the Qatar have to invest?
US $200 Billion
What percent of all workers are from Indian origin?
What percent of the population was made up from foreign migrants.
How can a worker leave Qatar?
A worker must have full permission from their employer and is not allowed to leave or switch jobs unless allowed by the employer.
How many workers in Qatar rarely/never receive payment for their work?
What percentage of workers claim their passports have been withheld?
What percentage of Qatar workers reported injury?
what is Qataes fatal rate
8.44 to 100,000 compared to the UK 3.4 to 100,000
What percentage of people earned less than 2$ a day in Nepal?
What migration happens in China?- Internal migrant flows within EDCs
Rural to urban migration- main pattern is from less developed parts to the most prosperous cities, south wast and Beijing.
What three conclusions did analysing chinas data bring?
- Population migration increased between 1982 and 1987 compared with earlier estimates. Between 1982 and 1987 ‘official migrants accounted for nearly 3% of the population.
- The direction of migration changed. Most migrants moved from rural areas to cities. During the same period urban areas grew at the expense of rural areas by some 13 million people.
- Most people migrated from inland provinces to costal areas. A smaller proportion migrated to factories and mines in inland areas.
What percentage/number of chinas population stayed in their own province? China
79% 30 million migrants and the other 21% were involved in inter-provincial migration
Since 1979 how many people have left rural areas for urban areas? China
100 million
What implications does the migration to urban areas have in China?
The removal of the younger, more able population.
An ageing population in rural areas
Over-populaton in urban areas causing a strain on housing, education, health, and services e.g. water and education.
list some Zimbabwe push and pull factors
push to urban- agricultural machines reducing the need for farm workers.
pull- cities industrial growth and government employment= jobs. But ability for city to cope as there is a small slum area.
What is the situation in the countryside like in Zimbabwe.
Black farmer landowners- land reducing due to restrictions as population grows.
‘vagrancy’ law prevented settlement in a city
Migration only option due to poverty and landlessness.
Give three things that life in the city was like in Zimbabwe
- Job creation
- household construction- number of houses and the number of people shelter
- services- cannot provide basic services
Whats the conclusion of migration in Zimbabwe
People will continue to flock to cities as long as push and pull allow. Job creation in rural areas and poverty alleviation only by increasing the ability of people to earn a living in the country side will migrate.
In how many countries where their more female migrants than male in 2013
What country have the lowest percentage of female migrants?
Bangladesh with 13%
What are human rights?
Rights and freedoms which all humans are considered entitled to. Universal declaration of human Rights 1947 Right to life, a fair trial, freedom from slavery.
List some push factors of Siri lanker women moving to the Gulf States
Low incomes, lack of employment, low wage levels for women, gender discrimination in the workplace, a lack of social freedom.
What are some of the social impacts in Sir Lanka from the migrations
children, poor attendance at school- lack of mothers to support. Ill health, malnourishment and neglect, increased depression and drug abuse and petty crime.
What was life like in the Gulf for migrant workers?
had to surrender passport, change of salary occurs when they arrive, bad working conditions, no medical care, living under house arrest, sexual abuse
In 2009 how many female house keepers died abroad?
how many female workers complained of assault when returning home
how many female workers where not paid the correct salary?
How many female workers where not paid overtime?
What is the main functions of the Sir Lankan Bureau of Foreign Employees?
Licensing employment agencies
Registration and training of all migrant workers
dealing with complaints at home and abroad
but- training need prior to jobs meaning registration £80 and trading around £60
What is the new minimum wage for women to be able to work in the Gulf states
23 years and 25 years for Saudi
What year did the partition of British India occur?
Explain the immigrations issues in Cote D’Ivoire and Bukina Faso?
Large concerns occur in Ivory Coast due to the large migrant population over 26% of the population where not born in Cote D’Ivory. After interference in many political polls tension grew, after many episodes of political violence the government placed restrictions on the freedoms of migrants and violence resumed in 2010 where hundreds of thousands returned to their place of origin.
What is the largest migrant corridor in ASEAN located?
Between Myanmar and Thailand- 1.9 million migrants
What are some push and pull factors for migrants moving from Myanmar to Thailand
Many migrants live below the poverty line in the lower income country
Thailand needs to resolve a labour shortage in agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, construction, and domestic services.
Thailand- legal mimic daily wage of 300 baht
7.3% ECONOMIC growth in Thailand and 5.2% in Myanmar
Why do refugees move from Mynmar to Thailand
To escape the governments forced labour e.g. building railways and the muslim population are being attacked.
How many internally displaced migrants are there in Syria?
6.1 million
How many people fled abroad from Syria?
5.6 million
How many people where killed/gone missing from Syria?
When did Canada change its immigration policy and why?
Canada changed its immigration policy in 2015 to address the skill gap in the labour market
What does Canadas policy include?
Wants people who speak both French and English, already have a job, are over 18, have a family connection and if married their partner also has a secured job.
What is Canadas system called?
Comprehensive ranking system
What is Bilateral Migration
The migration flow between two countries, some corridors are very large e.g. Mexico and the USA
What is Brazils GDP in 2007 and in 2014?
US$4874 in 2007 and $5823 in 2014
What are some of the patterns of Brazils immigration?
Net migration loss of half a million. increasing migration from Brazil to other neighbouring countries. incread migration of highly skilled workers to Europe USA and Japan, An influx of migrants from Haiti and Africa countries.
How has Brazils migration changed over time?
During the late nineteenth and twentieth century Brazil was a net recipient of migrants. Europeans for agriculture now, last fifteen years 80,000 fewer migrants living in Brazil
How many Brazilians live abroad?
2013 1.77 million
How is Brazil unequal?
Social inequality- housing, favelas VS luxury apartments
Prejudice and discrimination in the labour market, especially against black and indigenous populations, and the impedes their full economic and political social development
In 2013 how many foreign migrants lived in the USA?
What is the US immigration policy named?
Immigration and Naturalisation Act
How many Mexicans immigrated to the USA in 2015
11.6 million
How many Indians immigrated to the USA
2.4 million
Name some impacts trump has had
200,000 people that was granted temporary protection status was revoked from El Salvador
TPS revoked from Haitians
What percent of Mexicos GDP is made up from USA remittances
What percent of Mexican immigrants work in the service industry?
How many estimated unauthorised immigrants live in the USA
11.5 million- estimated 6 million Mexicans
What is Laos GDP
GDP per Capita US$ 1,660 2014
What percentage of the population are employed in agriculture in Loas?
Main resons immigration from Loas to Thailand occurs
better paid work
lack of employment
Strong motivation from other successful migrants
Daily wage Loas 80 baht Thailand 300 baht
What are the three strands of the National Plan of Action For Human Trafficking
Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
What percent of families live below the poverty line in Loas