Migration Flashcards
Seasonal or periodic movement of animals from one location to another, often for breeding, feeding, or avoiding unfavorable environmental conditions.
Bird adaptations to detect earth’s magnetic field
Cells in the beak containing magnetite and cryptochrome proteins in the eyes.
Mechanisms of position calculating
Magnetic field detection, celestial navigation, smell, landmarks.
3 Irish birds that migrate
Swallows (hirundo rustica)
Swifts (Apus apus)
Brent goose (Branta bernicia) from arctic.
Who conducted the pigeon homing expoeriments?
Wiltschko and Wiltschko 1972.
What devices were used in pigeon homing experiments?
Bar magnets and brass bars (control) in pigeon hlmets.
What were the results of pigeon homing experiments?
Pigeons utilize magnetic fields on cloudy days to determine position.
Detecting magnetic fields in order to determine your position and find other locations.