Migration Flashcards
What is migration?
It is the movement of people from one place to another with the intent of settling down in the new place.
What is immigration?
Immigration refers to the movement of people into a country from other locations. The people who move into another country are called immigrants
What is emigration?
It refers to the movement of people from a country to another. The people who leave their home countries and move elsewhere are called emigrants.
What are the causes of migration?
The causes of migration are:
1. Social causes - people migrate in hope of a better lifestyle etc. Movement due to marriage is an example.
2. Political causes - war, persecution and political intolerance make people migrate.
3. Environmental causes - Extreme weather conditions can cause people to emigrate, but nice stable weather can cause people to immigrate.
4. Economic causes - People migrate to find work or better career opportunities than they had in their home.
What are the types of migration?
- Rural to urban
- Urban to urban
- Temporary and permanent
- Voluntary and forced
- Internal and international
What is rural to urban migration?
People from rural areas migrate to urban regions in search of job opportunities and better lifestyle. Ex: Education and marriage.
What is urban to urban migration?
Urban to urban migration is when people from cities move to other cities which can be bigger/smaller.
What is temporary and permanent migration?
Temporary- Some people migrate temporarily or for short term. Ex: Students for higher education
Permanent - People migrate with no intention of returning. Also called long-term migration. Ex: Marriage
What is volantary and forced migration?
Voluntarily - Sometimes people migrate voluntarily because the living conditions in their home country are unfavorable. The causes usually be social or economical.
Forced- When the people are forced by the government or the authorities to move. Causes can be political and environmental.
What is internal and international migration
Internal migration - Takes place when people move from one part of the country to another. It is migration within the country.
International migration - Takes place when people move from one country to another. It is migration between countries.
What is illegal immigration?
When people don’t have proper permission but still enter a country using unethical means it is called illegal immigration
What is human trafficking?
When people help sneak other into new places and force them to work illegally it is called human trafficking.
What are the impacts of migration on the country of origin (emigration)?
1. Fewer people that the government needs to feed and house
2. Reduced pressure on land, other resources
3. Money coming in through foreign remittances
4. Less competition for jobs
1. Loss of younger population who are the backbone of the workforce
2. Loss of skilled or talented workers
3. Loss in men, affecting the sex ratio
4. Breakdown of families and traditions social structures
5. Gov needs to take care of elderly while dealing with a high death rate.
Impacts of migration on destination country (immigration)
1. Gov can overcome labor shortages
2. Labour becomes cheap as many people want jobs
3. There is a good supply of labor
4. Some labor are skilled and add to the countries skilled workforce
5. Immigrants bring cultural diversity
1. Immigrants usually don’t know the local language and this creates problems
2. Cultural/racial/ethnic diversity bring racial tension
3. High pressure on the resources and jobs. Making the local people loose their jobs
4. High pressure on health services as immigrants may brin diseases with them,
What is brain drain?
Brain drain occurs when the number of skilled people moving out of a country is more than what the country can replace. Usually developing countries loose their skilled labor and intellectual people to developed countries.
The brain drain of developing countries is the brain gain for developed countries.
What are the push and pull factors for brain drain?
1. Unemployment
2. Poor wages or poor working conditions
3. Political tensions
1. Better Quality of life
2. Higher wages and better opportunities
3. Political stability
4. Better education and training.
What are the effects of brain drain on the home country.
- Complete slowdown in economic growth. Affecting wage rates and standards of living
- Loss of taxes for government
- Loss of intellectual capital affecting the productivity
- Loss of potential innovations in ideas as well as business
- Loss of investment in education of youth.