Migración Forzada TEDX Flashcards
Get used to, accustom to
We’ve been walking (carrying on) for days
Llevamos varios días caminando
Load, reload, carry, charge, recharge, bear, upload
Stretch/leg of a journey
Follow, continue, keep, go
El cuello
Neck, throat, collar
Expose, exhibit, present, display, explain
According to, depending on, per, whichever
Hit, beat, punch, strike
They are accustomed to hunger and thirst
Están acostumbrados al hambre y la sed
We’ve been walking for days
Llevamos varios días caminando
Your father carries you on his shoulders for stretches
Tu padre te carga sobre tus hombros por tramos
because as far as the police know they are there to stop the bad guys
porque según saben los policías están para detener a los malos
They beat my parents
Ellos golpearon mis padres
The riverbank
La orilla del río