Midtermsz Flashcards
What are the tests applied to data that are normally distributed?
Parametric tests
tests expressed in interval and ratio
parametric tests
tests that do not require normal distribution
non-parametric tests
tests that utilize both nominal and ordinal data
non-parametric tests
tests wherein skewness (s^3) = 0
parametric tests
skewness or s^3 when = 0 is symmetrical
s^3 < 0 = nega skewed
s^3 > 0 = posi skewed
s^3 = 0 = symmetrical
tests that have a kurtosis (s^4) of not greater than 0.265
parametric tests
tests that utilize skewness that is either positive or negative
non-parametric tests
What are the 4 parametric tests given sa vid?
- Paired t-test
- Unpaired t-test
- Pearson correlation
- One-way ANOVA
4 non-parametric tests
- Wilcoxin Rank sum test
- Mann-Whitney U test
- Spearman correlation
- Kruskal Wallis test
Whoa Man Sex Kayo?
what will you do if computed t-statistics is lesser than critical value?
accept null; no significant difference
If p-value calculated is less than or equal to the alpha value, what will you do?
reject null hypothesis, accept alternative
If p-value is greater than alpha level, what will u do?
accept null, reject alternative
this means data has equal variances
accept null if stats < crit value
what is used to determine if there are significant difference between the means of 3 or more population or sample groups
ANOVA; analysis of variance
what parametric test is used if u are testing 3 means to find out if popu groups are related to one another
what type of ANOVA do you use if you are handling 1 independent variable among 3 popu groups? what if 2 independent variables
1-way ANOVA; 2-way ANOVA
n-way ANOVA depends on the number of ind variables
what is the nonparametric test equivalent of ANOVA?
Kruskal Wallis test
what are the 3 types of degrees of freedom?
between, within, & total
degrees of freedom characterized by k-1?
degrees of freedom between
degrees of freedom characterized by N-k?
Degrees of freedom within
degrees of freedom characterized by (k-1)+(N-k)?
degrees of freedom total
add between & within
what degrees of freedom is df1 in the f-table?
degrees of freedom between
degrees of freedom that is seen as the numerator in the f-table
degrees of freedom between
degrees of freedom seen as the denominator in the f-table
degrees of freedom within
degrees of freedom that is also known as df2 in the f-table?
degrees of freedom within
the k in k-1 stands for?
the number of experimental groups
what do you call the mean of all the gathered data?
grand mean
formula for sum of squares total
∑(value - grand mean)^2
formula for sum of squares within
∑(value per grp - mean per grp)2
formula for sum of squares total
SStotal - SS within
the variance is also known as the what in ANOVA?
mean square
formula for mean square between
MSb = SSbet/dfbet
formula for mean square within
MSw = SSwithin/dfwithin
formula for mean square within
MSw = SSwithin/dfwithin
formula for f-statistic
this is what you call the process wherein we compare the variables in the x-axis and the y-axis
the degree to which the change in 1 continuous variable is associated with a change in another variable
this is where you can describe the strength and direction of an association between variables
this describes how values are near to each other
if there is equal gap between values, the correlation is said to be?
strong or weak
what do u call the graph of plotted points that show the relationship between two sets of data
scatter plot
nonlinear correlation is also known as
this happens when the ratio of change between two variables is not constant
nonlinear or curvilinear correlation
this is the direction of the graph when the y-value increases as the x-value increases
direction of the graph when the y-value decreases as the x-value decreases
this is the statistics that quantify the relation between x and y in free terms
Correlation coefficients
As statistics reaches near 0 in correlation coefficients, strength is?
greater or lesser
If correlation coefficient exceeds 1, what does it imply?
there is an error in the computation
Identify the relation between variables (interpretation of strength)
0.70 to 1.00
Very strong
Identify the relation between variables (interpretation of strength)
0.50 to 0.69
Identify the relation between variables (interpretation of strength)
0.30 to 0.49
Identify the relation between variables (interpretation of strength)
0.10 to 0.29
Identify the relation between variables (interpretation of strength)
0.01 to 0.09
what do you call the follow-up test after conducting ANOVA when there is significant difference?
Post Hoc Test
This is done when Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted in ANOVA
Post Hoc
Post Hoc test done when all population groups are the same in size
Tukey HSD (Honesty Significant Difference)
Post Hoc test that is regarded as the safest option and is chosen regardless of the number of population groups
This post hoc test is done in unequal sample groups that has a small population number (n<30)
post hoc test done in unequal sample grps in a large population (n>30)
Hochberg’s GT2
we use this post hoc test if there is unequal variances