Midterms Flashcards
A service activity which function is to provide quantitative information, primarily financial in nature, about economic entities that is intended to be useful in making economic decisions.
Accounting phases
Chronological record of transactions through journal
Putting together similar accounts
Preparation of financial statements
Specialised accounting fields
Public Accounting
Private accounting
Forms of Business Organisations
*Single or Sole Proprietorship
This is a business owned by only an individual called the proprietor
Single of Sole Proprietorship
This is an association of two or more persons who bind themselves to contribute money, property or industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
This is a business owned by stockholders. It has a legal personality separate and distinct from its owners and it can conduct business in its own name.
Types of Business
This business renders services to customers or clients for free
This kind of business buys good or commodities and sells them at a profit.
This kind of business where companies buy raw materials and convert them into a finished product.
This defines what is accepted in accounting practice and they are like laws that must be followed in financial reporting.
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Accounting assumptions
*Business Entity Concept
*Going Concern
*Time period
*Unit of Measurement
*Accrual Basis
*Matching principle
Only transactions affecting business resources must be accounted for
Business Entity Concept
In the absence of evidence, business will continue to operate indefinitely.
Going Concern
The period covered when preparing the financial statements.
Time period
Transactions must be consistently recorded using the same currency
Unit of Measurement
Recognize revenue when earned; and expenses when incurred
Accrual Basis
Matching of revenues and costs to determine net income or loss
Matching principle
Basic Financial Statements
*Statement of Comprehensive Income
*Statement of Financial Position
*Statement of Changes in Equity
*Statement of Cash Flows
*Notes to the Financial Statements
Summary of the company’s revenue and expenses for a given period
Statement of Comprehensive Income
Shows the list of a company’s asset, liabilities, and owner’s equity
Statement of Financial Position
Movement of owner’s capital account
Statement of Changes in Equity
Provides information about the cash receipts and cash payments of an entity
Statement of Cash flows
Qualitative Characteristics of FS
*Faithful Representation
Ability to influence decisions
Representation of the substance of an economic phenomenon
Faithful Epresentation
Consistency of reporting from period-to-period
Some conclusions would be reached by independent observers
Availability of Information when decisions are being made
Form and terminology that users understand
Users of Financial Information
1) Management
2) Creditors and suppliers
3) Owners
4) Investors
5) Employees
6) Government and their agencies
7) Customers
8) Financial Analyst and Advisors
9) Trade Associations
10) Others
Elements of Financial Statements
*Capital / Equity
*Revenues / Income
*Expenses / Costs
Any event that affects the financial position of the business and can be recorded reliably
Business transactions
These are evidences of the daily activities of a business enterprise. It helps us identify the transactions that should be recorded in the books of accounts
Source Documents
This is a list of Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Revenue and Expenses accounts applicable to a business enterprise.
The Chart of Accounts
Also called the book of original entry.
This is a chronological record of business transactions
The General Journal
This is the process of transferring the entries from the general journal to the respective accounts in the general ledger
Posting Business Transactions
This is done to summarise the effects of business transactions on a per account basis and determine the balances of the accounts
Posting Business transactions
Also called the book of final entry.
The general ledger
After posting the journal entries to the ledger, the amounts of the debit and credit columns of the accounts are totaled and the difference is determined. This process is called what?
The summary listing of the account titles and the balance of each account
Trial Balance