midterms Flashcards
amt 113 is?
Aviatio safety and familiarization of tools
difference between errors and violation lies in?
Is unintentional
Deliberate act or omission to deviate from established procedures, protocols, norms, or practices
Specific type of error brought by a faulty plan/intention
The study of the dimension and abilities of the human body.
The man in a circle
The vitruvian man
twelve human factors that degrades people ability to perform effectively and safely
The dirty dozen
is a key human factor that can result in suboptimal, incorrect or faulty maintenance communication occurs between the amt and many p[eople.
Lack of communication
a human factor in aviation maintenance that typically develops overtime. As a technician gains experience and knowledge, a sense of self satisfaction
when performing aircrtaft maintenance can result in a faulty repair that can have catasthropic result
Lack of knowledge
while performing maintenance on an aircraft may disrupt the procedure.
also contributes to error to aircraft maintenance. Closely related to the need of communication
Lack of teamwork
Is a major factor that has contributed to many maintenance erors resultingg in accidents. reduction impairment, decision making, rection time.
Can interfere with a persons ability to complete a task because of a lack of supplies
Lack of resources.
aviation maintenance tasks require individuals to perform in an environment with constant ——- to do things better and faster without making mistakes and letting fall through the cracks.
is the ability to exxpress your feelings, opinions, beliefs and needs in a positive, productive mannerand should not be confused with being aggressive
Lack of Assertiveness
can bring about different degrees of difficulty for different people. The causes of ——– reffered to ass stressors are categorized as physical, psychological, physiological.
Add to a persons workload and make his hor her work environement uncomfortable
Physical stressors
Types of physical stressors
Confined spaces
Increase perperation and heart rate causing the body to overheat
due to aircraft taking off and landing close by can make it difficult for maintenance
makes it difficult to read technical data and manuals.
Poor lighting
Small work spaces make it very difficult to perfrom tasks.
Confined spaces
Emotional factors such as death, or ilness in the family, bussiness worries, poor interpersonal relationship with family, friends co workers.
Psychological stressors.
OVer anxiousness can hinder performance and speed
Work related stressors
impending bankcrupcy, recession, loans and mortgages.
Financial problem
Divorce and strained relationships .
Marital problem
Problems with superiors and colleagues due to miscommunication or perceived competition and backstabbing
Interpersonal problems
Includes fatigue, poor phyiscal condition, hunger, and disease.
Physiological stressors
trying to work when illl or not feeling well canf roce the body to use more energy.
Poor physical condition
Not eating enough or eating foods lacking the proper nutrion
Proper meals
A fatigued amt is unable to perform to standard for long periods of time and can become sloppy with repairs.
Lack of sleep
the effect os changing sleep patterns on the bodys circadian cycle
Conflicting shift schedules.
is defined as a failure to recognize all the consequences of an action or lack of foresight.
Lack of awareness
unwritten rules that are followed or toleratedby most organizatioon
Keeping the shop, hangars, and flight line clean is essential
to safety and efficient maintenance. The highest standards of orderly work arrangements and cleanliness must be observed during the maintenance of aircraft. Where continuous work shifts are established, the outgoing shift removes and properly stores personal tools, rollaway boxes, work stands, maintenance stands, hoses, electrical cords, hoists, crates, and boxes that were needed for the work to be accomplished.
Shop safety
Working with electrical equipment poses certain physiological safety hazards. When electricity is applied to the human body, it can create severe burns in the area of entrance and at the point of exit from the body. In addition, the nervous system is affected and can be damaged or destroyed. To safely deal with electricity, the technician must have a working knowledge of the principles of electricity and a healthy respect for its capability to do both work and damage.
Wearing or use of proper safety equipment can provide a
psychological assurance and physically protect the user at the same time. The use of rubber gloves, safety glasses, rubber or grounded safety mats, and other safety equipment contributes to the overall safety of the technician working on or with electrical equipment.
Electrical safety
Anytime current flows, whether during generation or transmission, a by-product is heat. The greater the current flow, the greater the amount of heat created. When this heat becomes too great, protective coatings on wiring and other electrical devices can melt, causing shorting. That in turn leads to more current flow and greater heat. This heat can become so great that metals can melt, liquids vaporize, and flammable substances ignite.
Fire safety
the three essential element which are necessary for a fire to be sustained, oxygen heat and fuel. If one or more of these elemets is removed then the fire will extinguish
the fire triangle
classification of fire.
Class a
Class b
Class c
Class d
ordinary combustion (solid material fires) - Wood paper, plastic etc,
Class a
Flammable liquids or gasses
Class b
Electric fires
Class c
Combustible metal fires - magnessium potassium
Class d
Halons are fire extinguishing agents which are gaseous when discharged in the aircraft environment. Halons have, until recently, been in almost universal use in aircraft fire extinguishers, both portable and fixed.
They exist in two forms - as Halon 1211, BromoChlorodiFluoromethane (CBrCF2) also known as ‘BC, and as Halon 1301, Bromotrifluoromethane (CBrF3).
Note: Halon do not produce residues and therefore do not cause secondary damage.
However, the fumes are toxic if inhaled and all practicable precautions should be taken when they are used.
Halogenated hydro carbon (HALON)
is used only in portable extinguishers and is a streaming agent
Halon 1211
is used only in fixed extinguisher installations typically cargo holds or engines and is a total flooding agent.
Halon 1301
what are the physiological problems
poor physical condition
proper meals
conflicting shift schedules
lack sleep
what are the physiological problems
poor physical condition
proper meals
conflicting shift schedules
lack sleep
what are psychological
Work related stressors
financial problems
marital problems
interpersonal problems
can be thought of as actions not carried out as intended or planne are usually easy to detect quickly and do not have Immediate serlous consequences due to bullt-in system protections.
are missed actions and omissions, l.e. when somebody has failed to do something due to lapses of memory and/or attention or because they have forgotten something, eg, forgetting to lower the undercarriage on landing.
give me the 12 dirty dozen
Lack of communication
Lack of team work
Lack of assertiveness
Lack of resources
Lack of awareness
Lack of knowledge