Midterms Flashcards
a time when large amounts of information are widely available to many people
Digital Age/ Information age
the procedure of moving a business into the digital age
marks the beginning of the Information Era
Digital Revolution
the advancement of technology from analog electronic and mechanical devices to digital technology
Digital Revolution
embracing the technologies that are relevant to improving organization enabling it to become more competitive
described digitization as the process of purposely moving from manual to analogue processes
Steve Cloutman
electronic tools, systems, devices, resources that generate, store, or process data
Digital technology
software formats that enable individuals, groups, and companies to communicate and share information
Social Networks
networks of people who share information across the online community through a scoial networking platform
Virtual communities
a type of media that includes game apps, productivity apps, lifestyle, and entertainment apps
Mobile Applicatiokns
type of media like Netflix, video on youtube, blogs/vlogs, spotify
Video and Audio Love Streaming
are those that have a pre-installed decoder service to access your fave channels
Digital Television
a hybrid of TV and computer
Smart televisions
type of new media that includes digital television, and smart televisions
Digital/Satellite and Smart TV’s
- usually identified with video games
- forms interactive multimedia played on a personal computer
Computer and online games
TRUE OR FALSE: Computer and Online games most often requires a license agreement
- these are stored in the computer and exchanged between two users over telecommunications
- one of the most largely used features on the internet
Electronic Mails
the person that sent the first email
Ray Tomlinson
these are books made available in a digital form or readily presented on a computer or handheld device
Electronic Books
a digital audio file made available on the internet to download on the computer or mobile device
characterized by its reliance on the network effect
Social media
TRUE OR FALSE: New media was a subset of social media but is now an entirely different platform
FALSE; should be the other way around
specializing on the distribution of the content like photographs, and videos like youtube and instagram
Media network
focuses on the exchange connection of ideas, thoughts, and contents with others like Facebook, Twttr, LinkedIn
Social network
the ideal platform for in-depth discussion and allows conversations to grow like Quora, Reddit, and Wordpress
Discussion Network
enables users to give reviews for products and services and allows interaction as well such as Yelp and Glassdoor
Review network
allows people to create content for their audience and help them discover the content, and establish engagement and familiarity with your content like Tumblr and Mediuam
Social Blogging Network
a corrupted term from the phrase “Net Citizen”
he proposed the theory of netizen
Michael Hauben
TRUE OR FALSE: Hauben says that the internet cannot be a “source of opinion”
FALSE; can be
TRUE OR FALSE: News reports are often bent to suit the infotainment genre favored by the general audience
TRUE OR FALSE: Everyone can voice out their ideas via the internet
it is the most widely used platform
a theory that holds intense media attention increases the importance of certain topics, issues, and individuals
Agenda Setting
TRUE OR FALSE: Media uses agenda setting theory to inform us on what they think is important to our society
TRUE OR FALSE: Pop culture is a weapon
a theory that holds culture as its central foundation
an approach to eliminate dualisms
he explained that culture is a structure of feeling
Raymond Williams
a method for understanding what a culture is expressing by analyzing its cultural expressions
Culture analysis
experienced by people in their day-to-day life in a specific place and at a particular time
Lived culture
it is recorded culture that includes products and daily facts from a culture
Period Culture
the one that connects the previous types of culture
Culture of selective tradition
assumes that culture determines the individual through and through
culture in this sense forms the basis for the common life of different people
a social, economic, and political philosophy that analyses the impact of the ruling class on the laborers
who formulated Marxism in their work “The Communist Theory”
Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels
refers to the labor community
refers to the “ruling class”
a theory where the labor community worked their lives off only for the ruling class to profit from them
the struggle between Landlords, owners, and the people who rented or used their lands for agriculture
TRUE OR FALSE: Power was held by the majority, and the minority had only their labor to help them make a living.
TRUE OR FALSE: The elite were the only ones who had access to the means of production
TRUE OR FALSE: Cloutman discovered that mass media influences society greatly and molds the mass culture
TRUE OR FALSE: The Marxist theory on mass media suggests that media should only be used to educate the masses.
the Swiss linguist that believed signs derived meaning through their differences and groupings
Ferdinand de Saussure
a way of approaching texts and practices and practices that are derived from the theoretical work of Ferdinand de Saussure
refers to the system of language, the rules, and the conventions that organize it
refers to the individual utterance, the individual use of language.
studies the historical development of a given language
Diachronic approach
studies a given language in one moment in time
Synchronic approach
a political movement concerned with women’s oppresion and the ways and means to empower women
this person describes feminism as “finding a voice”
points out, ‘Cultural politics
are crucially important to feminism because they
involve struggles over meaning’.
Michele Barrett
‘Feminists approaching popular culture proceed from
a variety of theoretical positions that carry with them a
deeper social analysis and political agenda’
Lana Rakow
argue that women’s oppression is the result of the system of patriarchy
Radical feminists
analysis of the ultimate source of oppression is capitalism
Marxist feminist
it does not posit a system; tends to see the problem in terms of male prejudice against women
Liberal feminism
represents the coming together of Marxist and Radical feminist analysis in belief that women’s oppression
Dual-systems theory
argued that much contemporary popular culture actively undermines the feminist gains of 1970s and 1980
Angela McRobbie
TRUE OR FALSE: To really understand post-feminist culture, it needs to be situated in relation to de-traditionalization
TRU lagi ni tanan as in asin
explained that Queer Theory provides a discipline for exploring the relationships between lesbian, gay men, and the culture which surrounds and continues to seek to exclude us
Paul Burston and Colin Richardson
the perspective that questions the perception of cisgender and heterosexual identities are in any sense standard
Queer theory
it is a way of thinking that dismantles traditional assumptions about gender and sexual identities
Queer Theory nga
a term used to describe a person whose
gender identity corresponds to their sex assigned at birth
is a culture which offers no position of critical distance
the thorough culturalization or aestheticization of everyday life\
a realm we may enter in order to be refreshed and renewed in order to be able to continue with ordinary affairs of everyday life
Affirmative culture
- highly pluralistic and diverse
- circulation of images, myriad films, videos, and website
- Everything is constantly in flux
- celebrated diversity in multiculturalism
Postmodern society
- the rise of more christian denominations, and cults
- plurality of world views
- metanarratives
- lack of certainty and ambiguity
- absurdity
- illusions and delusions
- deconstruction
- ah yawa kapoy type
- multiple ontologies rather than universal meaning
- maypa gi copy paste ko na lng ina niyo
Postmodernism challenges