MIDTERMS Flashcards
Melanocyte cluster form on areas of deepened pigmentation
Senile Lentigo
Wart like macules/Light tan to black at upper half of the body
Seborrheic Keratosis
Small brown or flesh colored projections of skin on the neck
Cutaneous Papilloma/Skin Tags
Dry skin/Decrease function of sebaceous and sweat glands
Capillary walls became increasingly fragile/Red, purple, or brown areas seen on legs or arms
Senile Purpura
Spent significant amounts of time in the sun
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Fatal form of skin cancer as it metastasize if had more than 5 sunburns
Shrinkage in the cushion provided by subcutaneous tissue
Pressure Ulcers
Redness, dilated, superficial blood vessels and small pimles on the nose and center face
Rashes of inflammation either localized or generalized
Decrease ability of subcutaneous tissue to regulate body tempereature
Excessive loss of calcium from bone/Porous, brittle, fragile bones
Medication increasing bone strength and density
Anabolic drugs
Medication inhibit bone loss
Antiresorptive drugs
Cause is unknown, cartilage on bones articulating surfaces thins and wear out
Bony particles or spurs form in joint causing pain, swelling, and movement restriction
Caused by abnormal cartilage or bony enlargement seen in distal finger joints
Heberden Nodes
An autoimmune disease, collagen disease causing inflammation of the synovium where aspirin is inhibited
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Inflammation of bursa resulting in joint stiffness and pain in shoulder, knee, elbow, and hip
Inborn error of metabolism resulting to elevated levels of uric acid
Gouty Arthritis
Umbrella term for common rspiratory disorders like emphysema and chronic bronchitis
Changes in alveolar structure losing its elasticity, overinflated, and ineffectve
Inflammation of trachea and bronchioles leads to excessive mucus and productive cough
Chronic Bronchitis
Referred as flu
Acute inflammation of lungs
Cause by Bacillus Mycobacterium Tuberculosis soread bh airborne or droplets
Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Bronchogenic cancer peaks at 55 to 65
Lung Cancer
Coronary arteries become narrowed or obstructed because of atherosclerosis
Coronary Artery Disease
Literally chest pain
Angina Pectoris
One or more coronary arteries become totally obstructed
Myocardial Infarction
Common conduction disturbance caused by disruption of the electrical conduction system
Heart block
Sick Sinus Syndrome/Disturbance in the rate and rhythm of heart
Sinus Node Dysfunction
Enlargement of heart related to heart failure
Clotting in the lumen of the vein
Blood pools in the veins and dilates or stretches them
Varicose veins
Seen as twisting discoloration in the superficial veins on lower extremities
Pouching or ballooning of arteries and develop plaque and become rigid
Pulsating mass near the umbilicus or navel
Abdominal Aorta Aneurysms
Present as back pain, cough, or hoarseness
Thoracic Aorta Anuerysms
Massive life threatening hemorrhage
Aneurysms Rupture
Portrusion of stomach into thoracic cavity caused by obesity and above 50 years old
Hiatal Hernia
Major problem occur with hiatal hernia/Gastric contents move backward into esophagus