midterms Flashcards
What is ridge push? Slab pull?
What is seafloor spreading? what are seafloor stripes?
Seafloor spreading is when magma comes up from mid-ocean ridges. It pushes the oldest ocean crust under continental plates so it subducts and the old crust is replaced by this new crust. Seafloor stripes are technically invisible, but they are created by this process. Magnetic inclusions in the magma will always point towards the poles. Every so often, they will reverse and seem to point to the south pole. This is because every so often, the very inner core of the earth will swirl and flip the poles.
who was wegener
what is continental drift? proof?
what are ions? anions?
What is fractional crystallization? What does it do?
What are the types of plate boundaries?
What can cause rocks to melt?
Iron rich, silica poor. Mg, Fe, Olivine, etc, dark, very fast and runny, more likely to create intrusive things in small spaces since it seeps in,
Si/Silica rich, Orthoclase, light, pink, viscious, does NOT want to flow, peanut buttery, quartz, rhyolite, granite
pyroclastic mudflow