midterms Flashcards
stain sperm for visualization under the microscope and cannot yield a positive result in the absence of spermatozoa
Harris Hematoxyllin and Eosin Staining
detects choline
presence of semen results in the formation of dark brown crystals of choline periodide that are generally needle-shaped
florence - choline - 1.5gm K iodided - 2.5gm iodine - 30ml water - rhombic shape - small then enlarged - disappear - choline per iodide
Florence Test
detects spermine - alcoholic solution of picric acid - needle shape crystal
Positive result: leaf-like yellow crystals also called spermine picrate crystals
(sometimes, needle-shaped crystals formed)
barbiero’s test
- positive visual identification of sperm cells using a suspected stain.
- two main reagents are used consecutively to produce this distinctive stain
- Picroindigocarmine stains the neck and tail of sperm with green and blue
- Nuclear Fast
Red gives the sperm head a red color - acromosomal cap / tip of the head with a pink
Christmas Tree Staining for Sperm
detects spermine
positive result: small cross-like crystals / yellow precipitate of spermine flavinate
considered reliable test for seminal fluid
Puramen Test
it provides sensitivity as well as specificity to human semen
it identifies the presence of the seminal vesicle-specific antigen, or semonogelin
RSID (Rapid Stain Identification) SEMEN STRIP TEST
This antigen is unique to human semen; therefore, there is no cross reactivity with other
bodily fluids in males and females or with semen from other mammals. This test can also
identify semen even if the stain was stored in less favorable conditions.
RSID (Rapid Stain Identification) SEMEN STRIP TEST
- In the presence of iodine, starch appears BLUE. Salivary amylase acts on starch to break it
resulting to color change
- a chemical reagent called Phadebas is used to detect the enzymatic activity of the
alphaamylase enzyme which is found in saliva (but is also found in other organisms like
bacteria, fungi or chimpanzees)
- utilization of both is considered a s a confirmatory test
- can detect even a small amount of saliva
It may be detected at 450 nm (orange filter) as well as at 415 nm (yellow filter) and a t 505 nm (red filter).
No confirmatory test exits for the presence of urine.
Light sources can be used to screen items for potential urine stains.
All tests rely on the determination of various components pf urine such as uric acid,
urea, and creatinine.
classic test for creatinine where a drop of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is
added to the stain followed by a drop of concentrated picric acid is done; formation of an
intense orange color is a positive indication of creatinine
jaffe test
generally have a brown appearance and can be located visually although
they may be confused with aged bloodstains and may contain traces of blood so
positive reaction with a blood-testing reagent may occur.
A simple chemical test can be performed on an extract of the stain dissolved in distilled
water where few drops of ethanol were added followed by a few drops of concentrated ____
zinc chloride
Under UV light, an intense____ results, indicating
the presence of ,
apple green color
a breakdown product of bilirubin and a component of