Midterm vocab to study Flashcards
a large stone that forms a prehistoric monument
composite view
A convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally, used to highlight the most known parts of a figure and help recognize if something is human
hierarchical/hieratic scale
Use of different sizes to indicate importance
additive sculpture
sculptural form produced by adding, combining, or building up material from a core or (in some cases) an armature (building from adding)
sculptural relief
a two-dimensional image or design whose flat background surface is carved away to a certain depth, setting off the figure (building by subtracting)
A rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians
A carved stone slab used to mark graves or to commemorate historical events.
a horizontal band, often on top of another, that tells a narrative story
the best representative candidate for a piece of work, considered a masterpiece
fresco secco
the technique of painting on dry plaster with pigments mixed in water.
A style of Greek sculpture where people are depicted standing and leaning so that the person’s weight is being put on one side. People are depicted with their bodies curved like an “S”
black-figure painting
In early Greek pottery, the silhouetting of dark figures against a light background of natural, reddish clay, with linear details incised through the silhouettes.
lost-wax bronze casting
artist would sculpt a full scale model in clay of the figure and all its details, then covered the clay sculpture with a thick layer of wax, then covered this with another layer of clay, then everything would be kiln fired, the clay would harden and the wax would melt, After it cooled, the artist would poor bronze into the hollow space, after it cooled, the outer clay would be broken away and the inner clay chipped out and you were left with a hollow bronze statue
The entablature is like a table top on the legs of the columns. Each entablature traditionally has three main parts by definition, as explained by architect John Milnes Baker: “entablature: the top portion on a classical order supported by columns which forms the base for the pediment
a slight convex curve in the shaft of a column, introduced to correct the visual illusion of concavity produced by a straight shaft.
The chamber at the center of an ancient temple; in a classical temple, the room (Greek, naos) in which the cult statue usually stood. where the god is housed
The Buddhist place of worship
the art of fine handwriting
Patterns formed by intricately interwoven ribbons and bands. Usually associated with animal style works. Bands or portions of other motifs can be looped, braided, and knotted in complex geometric patterns, often to fill a space.
in Asian art, a horizontal painted scroll that is unrolled to the left and often used to present illustrated religious texts or landscapes
groin vault
formed at the point at which 2 barrel vaults intersect at right angles
A Roman public meeting place
the principle or technique by which artistic representations are made to resemble real objects or to give an appearance of space by the use of perspective.
An underground cemetery, esp. one consisting of tunnels and rooms with recesses dug out for coffins and tombs.