midterm terms Flashcards
Gross national Income, is the total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country, consisting of gross domestic product, plus factor incomes earned by foreign residents, minus income earned in the domestic economy by nonresidents.
purchase power parity
: measures the price in different areas related to a specific good to contrast the absolute purchasing power in different states
Balance of payment
it’s the transactions that a country makes with the rest of the world showing the balance between how much they import and how much the export
Current balance of account
It is part of the countries balance of trade measurements and show the differnce between the value of imports Vs. exoports
Foreign exchange reserves
the holdings of a counties banks of foreign currency assets
foreign direct investment
: acquisition of significant management interest in a country operating in a foreign company
Exchange rates
that rate at which currencies can be exchange for one another
- : concept of free markets and that goverments should leave people to pursue their own economic interests.
comparative advantage
David Ricardo said that comparative advantage implies that countries should do what they do best – not in comparison with other countries but in comparison with the other things they do
Division of labour and specialization
This was adams smiths main agrument against self-suffieciency saying that a division of labour would make societies wealthier. He said by specializing people in different divisions of labout we would be increasing their productuvity per person
Gold standard
When a country accepted themselevs with the gold standard they promised to exchange their currency for gold at a fixed rate. You could at anytime bring in a bill or receipt in exchange for gold which made trade easier. This helped the industrial world basically share one currency and a stable one at that.
o In 1873-1896 there was a great despression and this left people dissatsfied with free trade and the gold standard, some goods prices fell while others stayed stable but this caused massive protested and people wanting to leave gold int 1890.
The supply of gold increased though and so did the price
nationalism helps mobalize populations for different kinds of economic projects. It is when developing country closed themselves to forgein aid and pursued rapid industrialization
Infant industry protection
You need to protect your industry before you go out into the world just so your industries could flourish
Trade Quotas
Destructions of Forgein business on the homeland
Public ownership of industry
Build infustrtucture within the country to facilitate trade
Bretton woods Monatary order
Required the restriction of the short-term movement of capital across borders. It allows countries to run monatary policies that were in line with their own conditions, even if they differed from the policies of others.
o Example, Intrest rates
They didn’t want to make it hard for companies to invest in other markets, they just wanted to make it hard or impossible for investors to move money constantly between different countries based on their intrest rates
This helped keep currency values stable which encourages trade and long-term investment.
Import substitute industrialization
Latin american countries and a handful of other countries were isolated in the world economy in the 1930’s and 1950’s since no one was buying their exports because they were too expensive so they moved to the import-substituting Industrialization which aimed to subsitute domestic industrial production for goods that had previously been imported by making domestic manufacturing more profitable
o Goverments provided subsidies and incentives for industries
o Manipulated currency to provide cheap dollars to manufactures so they could buy forgein equipment and inputs
o Many industries had crown corparations
It industrialized latin america