Midterm Terms Flashcards
354-430 AD
Life of St. Augustine of Hippo. The most important of the Church Fathers. He devloped a theory on the diabolical root of all superstitions including pacts with demons.
Bolognese monk Gratian publishes collection of ecclesiastical laws (the Decretum). this includes Episcopi, 10th century decree of the church which explains the stories from women who believe they can fly at night with the goddess Diana as illusions created by the devil.
Pope Lucius III issues decretal “Ad Abolendam” which condems Cathars and Waldensians as heretics. Calls on secular courts to punish them.
Pontificate of Innocent III. He equeates herecy with crime of high treason. He promotes albigensian crusage against the cathers of southern france. He convened the Fourth Lateran Council.
Pope Innocent III equates heresy with high treason in the decretal Vergentis
Pope Innocent III promotes the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathars of southern france
Pope Innocent IIIconvenes the Fourth Lateran Council where special commissions are created for every parish to investigate heretics
Franciscan order founded during pontificate of Innocent III
The dominican order is officially recognized
Life of St Thomas Aquinas. Dominican friar, most important philosopher of Scholasticism. Author of Summa Theologica.
Pope Gregory IX appoints the first inquisitors as special judges to try heretics. they mostly come from the dominican order.
Dominican Inquisitor Bernardo Gui writes the Practica Officii Inquisitionis. the handbook for prosecution of heresy. in france lepers are segregated into asylums and the jews are persecuted and expelled on charges of poisoning wells and spreading diseases.
Pope John XXII condemns demonic magic with his bill “super illius specula”
Great Plague kills one third of population in Europe. Jews accused of spreading the plague among others.
Inquisitor General of the kingdom of Aragon Nicolau Eymeric writes Directorium Inuisitorum, handbook for inquisitors. This states that all magic is heretical and should be prosecuted by inquisitors.
St. Bernardino of Siena the Franciscan friar, most famous preacher of the time, includes warnings in his writings about a new sect of witches that defile christian sacraments.
German Dominican Johannes Nider writes the Formicarius. First treaty that gives witches they now common description.