Midterm Terms Flashcards
Knowledge society
A society in which much of the labor force has migrated from manual work to work based on knowledge
Management process
The application of planning organizing staffing leading and controlling the achievement of objectives
Multifactor productivity
Indicates the ratio of goods and services produced (outputs) to many or all resources (inputs)
Operations management
Activities that relate to the creation of goods and services through transformation of inputs to outputs
The creation of goods and services
The ratio of outputs divided by one or more inputs
Productivity variables
The three factors critical to productivity improvement labor Capital and management
Service sector
The segment of the economy that includes trade, financial, lodging, education, legal, medical, and other professional occupations
Economic activities that typically produce an intangible product
Single factor productivity
Indicates the ratio of the goods and services produced to one resource
Supply chain
A global network of organizations in activities that supplies a firm with goods and services
Attribute inspection
Inspection at classifies items as being either good or defective
Selecting a demonstrated standard of performance that represents the very best performance for a process or an activity
Cause and effect diagram
A schematic technique used to discover possible locations of quality problems also known as an Ishikawa diagram or a fish bone chart
Control charts
Graphic presentations of a process data overtime, with predetermined control limits
Cost of quality
The cost of doing things wrong that is the price of nonconformance
Employee empowerment
Enlarging employee jobs so that the added responsibility and authority is moved to the lowest level possible in the organization
Flow charts
Block diagrams that graphically describe the process or system
A means of ensuring that an operation is producing at the quality level expected
ISO 9000
A set of quality standards developed by an international organization for standardization
Pareto charts
Graphics that identify the few critical items as opposed to the many less important ones
A continuous improvement model that involves four stages plan, do, check, and act
Poke yoke
Literally translated, mistake proofing; it has come to mean a device or technique that ensures the production of a good unit every time
The ability of a product or service to meet customer needs
Quality circle
A group of employees meeting regularly with a facilitator to solve work related problems in their work area
Quality lost function
A mathematical function that identifies all costs connected with poor quality and shows how these costs increase as output moves away from the target value
Quality robust
Products that are consistently built to meet customer needs in spite of adverse conditions in the production process
Service recovery
Training and empowering front line workers to solve problems immediately
A popular measurement scale for service quality that compares service expectations with service performance
Six sigma
A program to save time, improve quality, and lower costs
Source inspection
Controlling or monitoring at the point of production or purchase at the source
Statistical process control [SPC]
A process used to monitor standards, make measurements, and take corrective action as a product or service is being produced
Target oriented quality
A philosophy of continuous improvement to bring a product exactly on target
Total quality management
Management of an entire organization so that it excels in all aspects of products and services that are important to the customer
Variable inspection
Classifications of inspected items as falling on a continuum scale, such as dimension or strength
Acceptable quality level [AQL]
The quality level of a lot considered good
Acceptance sampling
A method of measuring random samples of lot or batches of products against predetermined standards
Assignable variation
Variation in a production process that can be traced to specific causes
Average outgoing quality [AOQ]
The percentage defective in an average lot of goods inspected through acceptance sampling
C Chart
A quality control chart used to control the number of defects Per unit of output
Central limit theorem
The theoretical foundation for X charts which states that regardless of the distribution of the population of all parts or services, the mean distribution tends to follow a normal curve as the number of samples increase
Consumers risk
The mistake of a customers acceptance of a bad lot overlooked through sampling
Control chart
Graphical presentation of process data over time
A ratio for determining whether a process meets design specifications; A ratio of the specification to the process variation
A proportion of variation 3(Standard deviations) Between the center of the process and the nearest specification limit
Lot tolerance percentage defective
The quality level of a lot considered bad
Natural variation
Variability that affects every production process to some degree and it’s to be expected also known as common cause
Operating characteristic curve
A graph that describes how well and acceptance plan discriminate between good and bad lots
P chart
A quality control chart that is used to control attributes
Process capability
The ability to meet design specifications
Producers risk
The mistake of having producers good lot rejected through sampling
R chart
I control chart that tracks the range within a sample it indicates that a gain or loss in uniformity has occurred in dispersion of a production process
Run test
Text used to examine the points in a control chart to see if nonrandom variation is present
Statistical process control
A process used to monitor standards, make measurements, and take corrective action as a product or service is being produced
Type one error
Statistically, the probability of rejecting a good lot
Type two error
Statistically, the probability of excepting a bad lot
Mean charts
Quality control chart for variables that indicates when changes occur in the central tendency of a production process
Check sheet:
An organized method of recording data
Scatter diagram:
A graph of the value of one variable vs another variable
Cause-and-effect diagram:
A tool that identifies process elements (causes] that may affect an outcome
Pareto chart:
A graph that identifies and plots problems or defects in the descending order a frequency
Flow chart [process diagram]
A chart that describes the steps in the process
A distribution that shows the frequency of occurrences of a variable
Statistical process control chart
A chart with time on the horizontal axis for plotting values of a statistic