Midterm Review Flashcards
Dry Mouth
Pain Classifications by Pathophysiology
- Nociceptive
- Neuropathic
- Psychogenic
- Unknown
**Nociceptive Pain
Cause: Tissue Damage = Noxious Stimuli
Pain Perception corresponds to Stimulus Intensity
Types: Visceral, Somatic and Radicular
Neuropathic Pain
- Caused by what kind of damage?
- Poportional?
- Duration of pain?
Cause: NS damage = bad signal processing by CNS/PNS
Disproportionate perception to stimulus intensity
Chronic pain - more likely
**Psychogenic Pain
No known physical cause
CNS processing disturbed
Larger areas
Pain Classification by Duration
- Acute Pain
- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
- Cancer Pain
Acute Pain
Less than 3 months
Serves adaptive purpose
Chronic Pain
Used to be defined Temporally, now, Contextually.
Time: 3-6 months
Context: pathology does not explain pain, pain disrupts sleep and normal living
Does not serve adaptive purpose
Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
Can affect any body system
Ex. Migraines, Arthritis, Back/Neck Pains
Cancer Pain (‘Malignant Pain’)
Associated with life-threatening conditions
Caused by Disease or Dx or Tx
also can be HIV
Spontaneous Pain
No stimulus
Normal stimulus
ex. dental, touch
Increased response to a Painful Stimulus
ex. heat, prick
Unpleasant, Abnormal Sensation
Spontaneous or Evoked
ex. fluttering when you kick
ex. shooting sensation
Abnormal Sensation (Not Unpleasant)
Spontaneous or Evoked
ex. foot falling asleep, tingling
Superficial Pain
Body surface pain
Localized Pain
Restricted to one identifiable area
Diffused Pain
**Referred Pain
Spreads to area of the body which is not the source
**Radicular Pain
Radiates to lower extremities
w/ transmission along spinal nerve
Visceral Pain
Originates in and around the organs of the body
Somatic Pain
Result of injuries to skin, bone, muscle, connective tissues/joints
Deep Pain
Deep inside body
Peripheral Categorizations of Neuropathic Pain
- Mononeuropathy
<> Distribution of one peripheral nerve
<> ex. Sciatic nerve, Bell’s Palsy, Lancinating Pain
- Polyneuropathy
<> Symmetrical
<> ex. Diabetic Neuropathy, Guillain-Barre
Greatest Burden of PALL CARE
- Cancer
- Chronic Lung Diseases
- Diabetes
Barriers to PALL CARE Availability
- Policy
- Education
- Medication Availability
- Implementation
- Psychological, Social/Financial, Cultural
K-R Stages of Dying
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
- Non-linear passage through the stages
- Not everyone experiences all stages
(Aspirin/Salicylic Acid Derivatives, Acetaminophen, NSAIDS)
Combine with opioids to facilitate lower opioid dosing & bi-modal analgesia.
Analgesia ceiling: dose reached beyond which additional S/E occur, but not pain relief
Non-Opioid Analgesics Side Effects
Kidney Dysfunction
Opioids Side Effects
(Morphine, Methadone, Buprenorphine, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, Vicodin Tramadol)
- Sedation, mental clouding, Confusion
- Respiratory depression
- Nausea, vomiting, constipation, pruritis, urine retention
- Tolerance, Dependence, Addiction
- Most S/E subside with time (except constipation)
Pain Assessment - WILDA
Aggravating/Alleviating Factors
Pain Assessment - WILDA
(4 elements)
- Stable (Continuous)
- Breakthrough Pain
- Intractable Pain
- Acute vs. Chronic
- Stable (Continuous) Pain
Pain all the time
- Breakthrough Pain
- Transitory exacerbation
- Flare of pain
- Pt already on analgesics for stable pain