Midterm Review Flashcards
American Exceptionalism
America is distinct and different from other nations.
- Divine favor
- Political pride
- Found especially in Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity.”
Puritan/Plain Style
Simple, direct statements
Ordinary words
Discuss religion and relationships with God
The personal, routine daily things of life
Telling a story about ourselves
Led to the American Revolution and creation of the United States.
- Ben Franklin
- Tommy J
- Becoming enlightened
Depicted contemporary, social realities
Pulling away from fantasy and focusing on the now
Rebecca Harding Davis & Life in the Iron Mills
Evocation or criticism of the past Cult of “sensibility” Isolation of the artist or narrator Respect for nature Based off the supernatural/occult (Hawthorne) and human psychology (Poe) -Rip Van Winkle -The Tell Tale Heart -Hawthorne’s work -
Has characters that directly personify Represents specific things in the real world Characters represent specific others Limited Ex. The Chronicles of Narnia
Can be anything (object, person, place)
Not specific the way an allegory is
Can take on any idea, interpretative, ambiguous
Like an allegory in that it is trying to get at deeper concepts
Nathanial Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Birthmark”
Related to the supernatural Ancient, macabre, and has dark aspects Works to create an effect or sensation Can be wrapped up with sexuality 1780-1810 Edgar Allen Poe
Highly intellectual, draws on Great Conversation
Moral, spiritual, and intellectual greatness
The “ought” or how they are supposed to be
Nature is tied to spirituality and intellect
Unity of all things
Reaction to modern American life
Radical ideas
Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
“Walden” especially
Fiction written to influence the feelings of the reader
Primarily written by women
Effective in swaying audiences (Persuasion)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Frederick Douglass
Life in the Iron Mills
John Smith
A Description of New England
William Bradford
Of Plymouth Plantation
John Winthrop
A Model of Christian Charity
Conversion Writers
- Jonathon Edwards
- Joseph Smith
- Samson Occum
- Olaudah Equiano
Anne Bradstreet
“The Author to Her Book”
“To My Dear and Loving Husband”
“Before the Birth of One of Her Children”
“Verses upon the Burning of Our House”