Midterm Review Flashcards
A relative term to describe location of one object in relation to another: in back of
The bearing of an object 90* from ahead
Portable steps from the gangway down to the waterline
Accommodation ladder
At or towards the stern of a vessel
1) Midpoint between port and starboard sides
2) Midpoint between forward and aft perpendiculars
1) Backward direction in the line of a vessel’s centerline (opposite of ahead)
2) Relative bearing of an object 180* from ahead (behind)
At right angles to the fore- and aft-line of the vessel (sideways-across)
Metal air-tight tanks built into a boat’s structure to insure flotation even when the boat is swamped
Air tanks
Liquid or solid mass loaded by a vessel to improve stability and trim, to increase propeller immersion.
Ballast tanks
1) Registered breadth of a vessel, measured at its greatest breadth
2) A transverse structural member supporting a deck and/or strengthening a hull
Formed by bringing the end of a rope around, near to, or across its own part
1) Intersection or curved transition of bottom and sides of a hull
2) Curved part of a ship’s hull where the side and the flat bottom meet
3) Lowest points within hull compartments where liquids may accumulate
Line of shell plating at the bilge between bottom and side plating
Bilge strake
An order to stop or cease hauling
1) A vertical structural partition dividing a vessel’s interior into various compartments for strength and safety purposes
2) Term applied to vertical partition walls (non-structural) subdividing the interior of a vessel into compartments
The forward-most transverse watertight bulkhead ranging from the bottom of the hull to the bulkhead deck to prevent flooding of compartments aft in the event of collision
Collision bulkhead
Vertical transverse full-breadth plating between inner bottom and bottom shell plating
Vertical structural component supporting and/or stiffening hull side plating and maintaining the transverse form
Line of shell plating immediately adjacent to the keel (centerline) plating running fore and aft
Garboard strake
1) Longitudinal continuous member with a vertical web providing support of deck beams
2) Longitudinal continuous vertical plating on the bottom of single- or double-bottomed vessels
Bending or becoming bent convex upward along its length as a result either of the hull being supported in the middle and not at the ends (as in a heavy sea) or the vessel’s being loaded more heavily at the ends.
The main body or primary part providing global strength, buoyancy and hydrodynamic qualities of a vessel
The timber or bar forming the backbone of the vessel and running from the stem to the stempost at the bottom of the ship
A bracket connecting a deck beam and side frame
Large hole cut in a structural member to reduce its weight
Lightening hole
Small hole or slot cut in a structural member to permit the drainage of liquid
Limber hole
A fore and aft strength member of a ship’s structure
Vertical column used to provide support to overhead deck structure
The stress a ship’s hull or keel is placed under when a wave is the same length as the ship and the ship is in the trough of two waves. This causes the ships hull to bend upward at the ends.
Upward longitudinal curvature of the upper deck
Continuous longitudinal line of hull plating
The oscillatory vertical motion of a vessel forward and aft in a seaway
Transverse angular motion of a vessel
Longitudinal member used to provide support of web frames in the transverse framing system of hull side structure
A twisting down the ship’s length
Torsional stress
1) Alignment perpendicular to the centerplane of a vessel
2) Deck beam
Capable of preventing the ingress of water under a head of water likely to occur in the intact or damaged condition
Intermediate deck within a cargo space above the lower hold and below the upper deck
Tween deck
The main continuous deck or principal deck of a vessel
Main deck
Marks punched into and painted on the sides of vessel to indicate allowed loading depths based on density of waters sailed in
Plimsoll mark (load lines)
Steel warping drum rotating on a vertical axis for the handling of mooring lines and optionally anchor cable
A point from which the weight of a body or system may be considered to act.
Any uniform gravity it is the same as the center of mass
Center of gravity
To wear the surface of a rope by rubbing against a solid object
To ease off gradually (go slower and move carefully)
A heavy wooden or metal fitting secured on a dock or on a deck, used for the lead or to guide lines or cables
A fitting of wood or metal with horns, used for securing lines
To lay down line in circular turns
Enclosed space, usually with water tight bulkheads, doors or hatches
Enclosed space, often water tight, intentionally left empty
Void space
A curved metal spar for handling a boat or other heavy objects
Radial or hinged or telescopic launch and recovery for installations survival craft
Transverse inclination of the hull bottom from keel to bilge
Rise of floor
Dead rise
All inclusive mass or wait a vessel measured and tons and equal to the mass of water displaced
The distance from the surface of the water to the ship’s keel
A ring mounted on a ship to guide a rope, keeping it clear of obstructions and preventing it from being cut or chafed
A single turn of rope when a rope is coiled downdown
After deck over counter. The parts of a rounded sternum which extends past the rear most perpendicular
The parts of the vessel below decks at the stem
Foremost a section of exposed main deck
Two wards or at the four end of a vessel
Vertical measurement from the vessels side amidships from the surface of the water to the main deck or gunwale
An opening covered by a hinged plate in the lower part of the bulwarks of a ship to allow deck water to run overboard
Freeing port
The upper edge of a vessel or boats side
A small line thrown to an approaching vessel or dock as a Messenger
Heaving line
A lighter line used for hauling over a heavier hawser, line or cable
The space below decks utilized for the stowage of cargo and stores
A relative direction towards the centerline of a ship
Towards the center
A ladder of rope with rungs, used over the side
Jacobs ladder
A twist in a rope
Occupational safety and health administration
A metal iPod minute Lee secured to a deck or bulkhead
For mooring any blocks and tackle
Pad eye
To slack out a line made fast on board
Pay out
The portion of a vessel’s side near the stern
The part of a ships upper deck near the Stern, traditionally reserved for officers
Raised hull section and deck extending from the after shoulder to the Stern
Quarter deck
Openings in the side of a ship to carry off water from the waterways or from the drains
To make fast,
The completion of a drill or exercise on board a ship
To bind with small rope
To let go by unshackling, as a cable
The parts of a rope hanging loose
The opposite of taut
The joining of two ends of a rope or ropes by so intertwining the strands
The state or ability of a vessel afloat to recover equilibrium of trim and heel at sea
Vertical structural supports of bulwarks and safety railings
The part of a line or fall which is secured
Standing part
The centerline apex area of the bow formed by curvature of plating or a solid bar section
A short length of rope secured at one end and used in securing or checking a running line
The flat surface forming the stern of a vessel
A horizontal beam reinforcing the stern of a vessel
A strengthening crossbar
The longitudinal altitude of a vessel
The difference between forward and aft drafts
In order to commence ships work
Turn to
To handle a ship into or out of a dock by using spring lines and the engine
The line painted on the side of the vessel at the waters edge to indicate the proper trim
Uppermost hull deck exposed to the weather at all times
Weather deck
Capable of preventing the ingress of water in any wind and wave conditions
And order meaning sufficient
Well enough
A method of preventing the ends of a wine from on laying or fraying by turns of small twine
A geared rotary machine used for handling of lines
A winch designed for the raising and lowering of an anchor
Soft chine
Greater buoyancy
Rolls much easier
Shallower draft
More rounded bottom
Hard chine
Typically deeper draft
Quick return on a roll
More pointed Keel
Breast lines
90° from Center
For the purpose of keeping the boat from moving outward
Spring lines
Leading forward or aft
To preevent forward and aft motion
Offshore tie up lines
From the stern or around the bow
To preevent transverse motion
Warping a boat
Using Lions to manipulate movement of the boat against the dock
Tensile strength versus working load limit
Ex: A line with a 3500 pound tensile strength may have a working load limit of 10:1, or 350 pounds
Numbering of mooring lines
Furthest forward line is line one, next line is line 2, and so on towards the after most Stern line
A high degree of powdering between strands of synthetic mooring lines is a sign of _______.
Excessive wear
Lines should be kept out of direct ______ when not in use
A slice of synthetic fiber line should include:
___ full tucks
___ tapered tucks
Tails should be ___ line diameter
Tails should be ______
When heaving lines of synthetic fiber with a winch or capstan, a ______ number of turns should be used to avoid friction
This line is twice as strong as manila of equal size
This synthetic line is more resistant to acids, oils and organic solvents than nylon
This floating line is cheap, light to handle, and has the same strength whether it is wet or dry
Warning: melting can be a problem
The purpose of the ______ is to allow the weight on a line to be transferred to bits or cleats when belaying up
For natural fiber line, use a ______ stopper
Natural fiber
For a synthetic line, use a ______ stopper
Except! Never use a _______ stopper on nylon line
A stopper should be…
Low stretch, with a high melting point
This is used for making a temporary eye on the end of the line
A ______ stopper should be used on wire lines
A raised platform or a walkway providing passage
If specialized rope ladder used by pilots and embarking and disembarking the bustle
Pilot’s ladder
This kind of bitt can be used to control the checking or slacking of a line under tension without the rest of the line popping off the bitt
Cruciform bit
Where might you often find an H bitt?
On the deck of a towing vessel
The area traveled by a part of the line having a force enough to kill a person on its way is known as ______
Snap back Zone