Midterm Review Flashcards
Name of the class
Computer Literacy
Instructors Name
Helen Thomas
We use what operating system
Windows 8.1
Best way to contact instructor?
email hthomas@lc.edu
We use office
The part that is called the brains of the computer is called the ____ processing unit
The system _____ houses important parts such as the circuit boards, processor, power supply and storage devices
A device that expands a computer’s capability is called a(n) _____ device
A(n) _____ is a computer device that makes it possible to capture video
Web Cam
A(n) ____ system is the software that acts as the master controller for all of the activities that take place within a computer system
A computer ______ consists of two or more computers and other devices that are connected for the purpose of sharing
Android is a type of:
operating system
A ____ computer uses a touch screen keyboard for typing
Website has a unique address called a(n)
To find information on the Web, it is best to use a _____ engine
A(n) ____ storage system uses lasers to read data
A standard desktop computer uses a ____ as its primary pointing device
Most DVD dives can read ___ and DVD formats
If you want to input data that currently exists in print format, you need to use a _____
A _____ and a printer are the two main output devices for a computer system
____ displays have a brighter image, better viewing angle, and faster response rate than standard LCD screens
A(n) _____ ______ is used to enter data in kiosks or on computers where a keyboard is not easily used
Touch Screen
If your computer and others are connected to a(n) ____ you can share a printer
An expansion ____, often located on the back of a desktop computer, is a connector that passes data between a computer and peripheral device
Many peripheral devices connect to an external USB (universal serial ____) port
Software can be divided into two major categories: system software and ___ software
A software ____ is a collection of application software sold as a single package
A(n) ____ ____ is utility software that helps a peripheral device communicate with a computer
Device Driver
When ____ software is used, program files do not exist on the hard drive and no configuration data is stored on the hard drive
When using Windows, you can open the ____ Manager to see a list of processes that are being executed by the processor
The three main operating systems running most personal computers today are _____, Mac OS, and Linux
A desktop ____ is a utility program that may provide information, such as the weather or a calendar
To read a Portable Document File (PDF), you need to use ___ ____ software
Adobe Reader
____ laws provide software authors with the exclusive right to copy, distribute, sell, and modify their work, except under special circumstances
A(n) _____ license is priced at a flat rate so software can be used on all computers at a specific location
The _____ is a unique set of characters that identifies a file and should describe its contents
The main directory of a disk is sometimes referred to as the ____ directory
A file’s location is defined by a file ___ which includes the drive letter, folder(s), filename and extension.
A _____ _____ further describes the file contents, and often lets you know which application can be used to open the file
File Extension
The main hard drive is usually referred to as drive __ or as Local Disk
Use the ____ __ command to specify a name and storage device for a file and then store it on a storage medium.
Save As
The _____ number system represents numeric data as a series of 0’s and 1’s
A series of eight bits is referred to as a(n):
A single processor that contains circuitry for more than one processing unit is called a(n) ____ processor
____ is a temporary holding area for data, application program instructions, and the operating system.
Desktop apps are also known as ____ apps
Each tile represens a(n)
For each user, Windows 8 can reserve a special area called a(n) ___ _____ where each user can keep his or her own files
User Account
If your computer is set up for more than one user, you might need to ______, or select your user account name when the computer starts
The Start screen contains many shaded rectangles, called:
The Windows 8 Start screen has controls, also known as its ____ _____, that allow you to interact with the Windows 8 operating system.
User Interface
The _____ ___ is set of buttons that let you find and send information, change your machine settings, and turn off your computer.
Charms Bar
The icons you used often are displayed in a narrow blue bar called the _____ ___
Task Bar
When you scroll the Start screen, the first set of apps that you see are called the _______ _ ___
Windows 8 Apps
Which of the following is a set of instructions written for a computer ______
Which button on the desktop do you click to examine your existing folder and file structure?
File Explorer
A ____ ______ is a three or four letter sequence, preceded by a period, that identifies the file type
File Extension
In the Save As dialog box, below the Address bar, the ____ ___ contains command buttons that you can click to perform actions
Tool Bar
_____ ____ is a Windows 8 program that creates files in RTF format
Word Pad
What is the typical drive letter for the hard drive?
The sort by button allows you to sort your files using several _____
While looking at your list of files and folders, you can also preview them without _____ them
Which tab in Windows do you use to open a file?
Making changes to a document is also known as ____
If you open a file and make changes to it and then save the changes, that file has been ______
You use different Office apps to accomplish specific tasks, such as creating a newsletter or producing a sales presentation, yet all the programs have similar _____ ___ _____
Look and Feel
The apps in Office are bundled together in a group called a(n):
_____ are predesigned combinations of color and formatting attributes you can apply to a document
_____ is best for managing quantitative data
A(n) ______ is a file containing professionally designed content that you can easily replace with your own
Zooming in, or choosing a higher zoom _______, makes a document appear bigger on screen, but less of It fits on the screen at once
Commands in an Office app window are organized into
If you accidentally click a theme in the Theme gallery, click the ____ button on the Quick Access toolbar
When working in an Office program, one of the first things you need to do is to create and save a ____
In an open Word document, the ______ ______ indicates where the next typed text will appear
Insertion Point
Which task does Word NOT give you the ability to accomplish?
Perform calculations in a spreadsheet
Which element of the Word program window displays information about the current document, such as number of pages, and also includes the view and Zoom buttons?
Status Bar
The _______ _______ indicates where text appears as you type
Insertion Point
Which element of the Word program window is used to quickly enlarge and decrease the size of the document?
Zoom Slider
Which Word feature causes Red and Green wavy lines to appear under words as you type?
Spelling and Grammar Checking
Which key is used to move the insertion point to the start of the next line?
The first time you save a document, which screen appears?
Save As Screen
When you save a document, what is the name you give it called?
Which button do you click to show formatting marks in a document?
Show/Hide ¶ button
Each time you click the ____ ____ button the selected text is enlarged
Grow Font
Which command is used to create a duplicate copy of a file, while leaving the original file intact?
Save As
Which command is used to insert text that is stored on the Clipboard into a document ?
Which button is used to display two different parts of the same document in the document window?
What happens when you click an item on the Office Clipboard?
The item is pasted in the document at the location of the insertion point
How do you open the Clipboard task pane?
Click the launcher in the Clipboard group
Which command do you use to display two open documents at the same time?
Arrange All
Which feature can you use to highlight all instances of a word in a document?
The Find command in the Navigation pane
Which feature would you use to correct words that you frequently misspell as you type?
Which feature can you use to find and insert a synonym for an overused word?
What do you call an informal journal that is created by an individual or a group and made available to the public on the Internet?
_____ fonts have a small stroke at the ends of the characters
To change the formatting of text from Calibre to Arial, which tool should you use?
Font list Arrow
What keyboard shortcut selects an entire document?
[Ctrl] [A]
What are shadows and outlines examples of?
Text Effects
__________ the Format Painter button allows it to remain active until you turn it off
Which feature allows you to copy multiple format settings at once?
Format Painter
When text is _____ both the left and right edges of the paragraph are flush with the left and right margins.
By default, how is text aligned?
By default, what is the active tab type?
Left Tab
Which option do you click in the Bullets list to use a symbol or picture for a bullet character?
Define New Bullet
What is the default margin size in a Word document?
The minimal allowable margin settings depend on your
What are the default page settings for a Word document?
8.5” x 11” paper, portrait orientation.
Which section break begins a new section on the same page?
______ ______ are formatting marks you insert in a document to show the end of a section
Section Breaks
How can you balance columns of unequal length on a page?
Insert a continuous section break at the end of the last column on the page
How do you force text wrapping?
Forces text after the break to begin on the next line.
Which tab or dialog box do you use to organize your sources?
Source Manager Dialog Box
Which of the following is a list of sources that only includes sources that are cited in your current document?
Works Cited List
In the formula =D1+C1/F3, which calculation will be performed first?
In the formula =(G15-G14)*$M$3/4, which mathematical operation is performed first?
All functions begin with the formula prefix =
(equals sign)
In excel, Max and Average are examples of _______
When cells are copied using Excel’s copy function, what happens to the data in the copied cells?
The data remains in its original location
You can create an absolute cell reference by placing a __ in front of both the column letter and the row number of the cell address
Which type of cell reference preserves the exact cell address in a formula?
To continue a sequence in adjacent cells, such as months of the year, use the ___ ______ feature of Excel
Fill Handle
Excel templates make creating a professional looking spreadsheet easier by including all of the following EXCEPT ____ in the template
The default file extension for an Excel 2013 workbook is ____
The _____ of a cell determines how the labels and values look.
To format a cell or range, first you select it, and then you apply the formatting using the ___ , the Mini toolbar, or a keyboard shortcut.
The default Accounting number format adds dollar signs and __ decimal places to the data
Cells and ranges in a worksheet can be formatted :
before or after data is entered
The ____ size is the physical size of the text
In the ____ ____ window you can search for online pictures (or Clip Art) in Office.com, through the Bing search engine, or on your SkyDrive
Insert Pictures
You can apply font styles and alignment option using the ______ ____ dialog box.
Format Cells
The Format Painter button is found in the ____ group on the HOME tab of the Ribbon
in a cell means that the:
column is too narrow to display the value completely
You can use colors, patterns, and borders to enhance the overall appearance of a worksheet and to make it easier to read. One of the ways of adding these enhancements is to use the Bordes, Font Colors, and Fill Color buttons in the Font group on the _____ tab of the Ribbion
______ marks indicate the scale of measure for each value on the y-axis.
A(n) _____ identifies each data series in a chart, generally with a different color.
The x-axis and y-axis are, respectively, the:
horizontal and vertical axes
A collection of related data points is called a:
data series
Each value in a cell elected for a chart is called a:
data point
On a chart created in excel, the horizontal axis is also called the:
On a chart created in Excel, the vertical axis is also called the
A pie chart:
Compares sizes of pieces as part of a whole
You can change a column chart to a clustered bar chart using the ______ _____ ____ dialog box
Change Chart Type
The default border color around a chart title is:
You can copy ____ and numbers between Word and Excel.
Microsoft Office programs are designed to work together through a process called ____.
Microsoft Office provides ____ integration methods
When you want to copy an object without a data connection to the source file, you should use the ____ integration method
If a text value in a Word document is automatically updated after a corresponding text value is updated in an Excel source document, you can determine that the text value in Word is ____ the source document.
Linked To
Office technology allows you to ____, or place an unlinked copy of, the contents of a Word file into an Excel worksheet.
If you need to remove all items appearing in the Clipboard task pane, click ____.
Clear All
When you use the Copy and Paste commands, by default an object copied from one program to another program retains the ____ of the original object.
Suppose you have placed the following items to the Clipboard in the following order: a photograph, a text value, a column chart, and a table. If the items were copied in the order listed, the ____ would be at the bottom of the list.
In Excel, the Clipboard task pane opens ____ the worksheet window.
To The Left Of