Midterm Review Flashcards
What part of the Spring family of software products will we be using for server-side development?
Spring Boot
T/F The Spring Framework contains Java EE APIs
T/F The Spring Framework can replace the need for Java EE
What framework will be installed next class to look after the client-side programming?
What is different about the architecture this course will use than what was used in a traditional Java EE app?
Traditional was server-side rendering using JSF or equivalent, SPA for the view in this course
What is Spring Initialzr?
A web application that can generate a Spring Boot project structure for you
What 5 templates did we choose for Spring Initialzr?
Spring Web, Lombok, Spring Data JPA, H2 Database, Rest Repositories
What extension was added to make our Employee class code more concise?
What annotations were found in the Employee domain class?
@Entity, @Data, @RequiredArgsConstructor, @Id, @GeneratedValue
What annotations were found in the EmployeeRepository class?
@Repository, @RepositoryRestResource
What relational database are we using in this course?
What are some characteristics of this database?
In memory, fast, doesn’t retain changes
What intrinsic file did we use to house the populating of the employee data into the database?
What file was populated to provide the datasource meta-data (e.g., username, password…) for the H2 database?
What is Maven?
Java Build Tool
What is the file pom.xml used for?
Houses dependencies for build
What Maven step created the executable .jar file that can be run outside of the IDE?
What was the name of the .jar file it created, and where did the name come from?
exercises-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar, pom.xml
T/F: We can run a Spring Boot application without VSCode?
What framework will you be using client side?
What language will you be coding the client-side project in?