Midterm Review Flashcards
Empress Theodora
Empress of Justinian- She wouldn’t let Justinian flee during the Nikka Riots
Justinian Code
Centralize the government and incorporate roman law
Diocletians system for ruling the Roman Empire with 4 men with territorially divided power
Frankish people
Battle of Tours
Battle where the franks prevented the muslims from expanding beyond spain
Narrow Strait between Mediterrean Sea and Black Sea that was a very important strait for trading
Mayors of the Palace (chief administrators) for the Merovingians who would eventually overthrow the Merovingians and take ovr
Mayor of the Palace
Chief administrator- Prime minister
First Merovingian king who united the franks
Pepin the Short
Father of Charlemagne
Vertically Challenged
Appointed by the Pope
Patricius Romanorum
Father of the Romans- Pepin the Short- Early protector of the Christians
Crowned emperor on xmas day 800 by the pope
Capital of Charlemagne’s empire
Kingdom Of Jerusalem
Christian Feudal state in Palestine
Council of Clermont
Pope Urban II 1095 asking for crusades to get back Jerusalem
Importance of Constantinople
Gateway between Europe and Asia- Very important trade
Unam Sanctaum
Pope Boniface VIII Papal Bull- the authority of the pope extends over all people- Made Emperors want to tax clergy to exert power
Lay Investiture
Kings appointing church officials
Cluny Reform
Separation of Church and State
Method of learning where you have to ask questions about the status quo to come to a conclusion
Hundred Years War
War between England and France in which spiked French nationalism. England was winning for the majority of the time until Joan of Arc came and won the Battle of Orleans. War of Territory. Lasted 116 Years. Kicked England out of France
Black Plague
Plague that killed about 40% of Europe. Started in Asia and spread through rats and flees and trade. Less peasants which led to a raise in pay. Nobles had to give in to peasants and give them more freedom to keep them around.
Joan of Arc
French General- Visions for The Lord to fight for the french. Won the Battle of Orleans. She was sold to the Burgundians who sold her to the English who burnt her as a stake.
Battle of Hastings
Anglo-Saxons pushed out. William the Conquerer of Normandy takes over England 1066
Bayeux Tapestry
Depicted the Norman Conquest- Not actually on tapestry
Great Schism
The split of the Papacy
Babylonian Captivity
French Pope in Avignon
Medici Family
Wealthy Trade Family in Florence
Looking back toward greek and roman culture
Linear Perspective
Gives more of a 3D perspective- Vanishing Pont
Father of Humanism in Italy
Persian Wars
Ionian City states under persian control rebel and plea to Athens for help. Athens agrees and sends help. Rebellion was crushed by Persia.
Minoan Civilization
On Crete-Named after King Minos-Not walled means not military
King Minos
Legendary King of Crete (minoan) ruled from knossos
Mycenaean Civilizations
Warlike Civilization on Mainland Greece.
Strong on man ruled- Dominant in Society- Usually appealed to the powerless
Parthenon-Mountain in middle of Athens
Acropolis-Center of Polis
Delian League
Association of Greek City States under Athens
General of Athens During the Golden
Peloponnesian Wars
The struggle between Athens and Sparta
Alexander the Great’s Campaign
All the way to the Indus Valley
Spanish Inquisition
Spanish killing of jews for not becoming christian. Accused of herecy
christians goal drive out muslims from spain