Midterm Review Flashcards
Seasonal winds; In India, the winter monsoon brings hot dry weather and in the summer monsoon brings rain.
Bubonic Plague
An epidemic; outbreak of rapid-spreading disease.
A religion that is polytheistic in India that has no founder, whose major gods are Brahman, Vinshu, and Siriva: people worship in a temple who read the 4 vedas. The people’s ultimate goal was to achieve moksha and believed in Ahmisa. They also had a caste system.
A religion that is polytheistic who was founded by Siddhartha Guatama from 463 BC to 483 BC in India, which had no major gods, but meditated, and worshipped in stupas. Also, believed in the Eightfold path and the 4 Noble Truths and their ultimate goal was nirvana, to be released from the wheel of life and achieve union with the universe.They had no caste system.
In Hinduism, belief in the rebirth of a soul in another bodily form.
In Hindu belief, the ultimate goal of existence, achieving union with Brahman.
In Buddhism, union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth.
Eightfold Path
In Buddhism, sayings that are said to follow in order to achieve nirvana. it consist of: Know the truth, Say nothing to hurt others, Practice meditation, Control your thoughts, Resist evil, Free your mind of evil, Work for the good of others, and Respect life.
An ancient Indic language of India in which Hindu scriptures and classical Indian poems are written and form which many Indian languages are verdict.
Caste System
Social groups in to which people are born and out of which they cannot move during their lifetime.
Cultural Diffusion
The spread of culture through ideas, thoughts, and items.
provided the philosophical and historical foundation from which the two of the world’s largest religions, Christianity, and Islam, sprang.
Based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, love and peace; People have to read the bible and learn about Jesus that has the Old and New Testament.
A religion that is monotheistic where people believe in the 5 Pillars of Islam, and read the Quran. Also, their ultimate goal is to enjoy an eternal life, both physical and spiritual in heaven with Allah.
Ten Commandments
A set of biblical principles that relate to ethics and worship. The Ten Commandments are used in both Judaism and Christianity.
Five Pillars
In Muslim belief, Muslims accepted 5 basic duties that were to be accomplished in one’s lifetime in order to achieve peace.
- There is no god, but god Muhammad is the messenger of God.
- Pray 5 times a day.
- Giving charity to the poor.
- Fasting from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan.
- Go on a hajj or pilgrimage to visit the city of Mecca.
A scared text written by the Hebrews that wrote the events and laws of God. They believed that God was taking a hand into their lives.
Belief that spirits and forces may live in animals, objects, or dreams. Animals were scared for the reason why people were vegetarians.
Shinto: the ancient indigenous religion of Japan lacking formal dogma; characterized by a veneration of nature spirits and of ancestors.
Four Noble Truths
Siddhartha, the creator of Buddhism, created the philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation is articulated by 4 statements.
One who believes in many gods
One who believes in one god only
Code of Hammurabi
Hammurabi, the ruler of Babylon, created a system of laws, and proclaimed that his goal was to “cause justice to prevail in the land / To destroy wicked and evil / That the strong may not oppress the weak.” Also, Hammurabi’s Code was the first important attempt by a rule to codify or arrange and set down writing, all of the laws that would govern a state.
According to Aryan Belief, the single spiritual power that resides in all things.
In Hindu belief, an individual’s religious and moral duties.
Silk Road
An ancient route spanning 4,000 miles, starting in China and traveling westward to the Fertile Crescent. Imported and Exported goods from China to different places of Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Middle Kingdom
After the fall of the Old Kingdom, new pharaohs reunited the land ushering into the new kingdom. It was a turbulent period.
During the Zhou Dynasty, Confucius, a teacher, and moral exemplar, who taught the teachings and beliefs that emphasized on education, the 5 relationships: Ruler and subject, Father and son, Elder brother and younger brother, Husband and Wife, and Friend to Friend, and filial piety (Respect for elders). His ideas were kept alive by his disciples which documented in the Analects. Schools and debate and discussion kept his ideas alive.
Pax Romana
Time period of peace and prosperity in Rome.
Associations of crafts men; they cooperate to increase profits and benefits for all members. They also, acted as a social organization and cared for all the members.
Government in which people hold ruling power
Form of picture writing developed by ancient Egyptians
Wedge-shaped writing of ancient Sumerians
Fertile Crescent
An arc of land that curves from the Persian Gulf to the east Mediterranean Coasts that contains dark rich soil land and golden wheat fields in a region by Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates River.
Hagia Sophia
A city where Justinian, the Byzantine emperor at the time rebuilt the Church of Hagia Sophia which was one of the most important accomplishments since it burned down for Justinian. The temple beautify Constantinople and was the most famous architectural accomplishments. It was done in a dome like shape that had huge arcs built in them ,and was colored marble with silk curtains.
Justinian’s Code
A commission collection and organized laws of Rome which helped unify the empire during the Byzantine empire.
Terrace Farming
A terrace is a piece of sloped plane that has been cut out into a series of successively receding plane that has flat surfaces or platforms which resemble steps for the purpose of more effective farming.
Commercial Revolution
A period of European expansion, colonialism, and mercantilism from the 13th century to the early 18th century.
Code of conduct for knights during the Middle Ages.
One Hundred Years War
A series of conflicts waged from 1337 to 1453 between kingdom of England and kingdom of France for the control of the French throne.
During the Medieval times in Europe, an economic system which was an organized rural place that included a lord estate given to a vassal in exchange for his knights for protection and loyalty. The peasants were to give service to a lord in exchange for protection. This economic system used an open field system as well.